Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 15.05.1990, Blaðsíða 284
Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1982-1984
Table 6. Local government revenue pr. inhabitant by size of municipalities 1982-1984
ISK at current prices
Other municipalities with number of inhabitants
Whole country Capital region >3000 1000-3000 400-999 <400
1982 Total revenue 15,280 16,431 14,682 16,850 13,813 9,873
Tax revenue 9,746 10,276 9,950 9,897 9,211 7,052
Direct taxes 5,600 5,785 5,962 5,892 5,415 3,964
Indirect taxes 4,146 4,491 3,988 4,004 3,796 3,088
Real estate tax 1,327 1,512 1,321 1,149 955 860
Municipal Equalization Fund .. 1,364 1,281 1,376 1,421 1,662 1,510
Business tax 1,339 1,578 1,227 1,218 1,054 652
Service revenue 3,020 3,695 2,362 3,463 1,717 1,081
Interest 638 536 721 833 621 810
Capital transfers received 1,636 1,713 1,257 2,423 2,038 766
Miscellaneous 240 211 392 234 226 164
Total revenue 25,161 27,311 23,712 26,944 22,649 16,412
Tax revenue 15,197 16,079 15,341 14,963 14,528 11,284
Directtaxes 8,693 9,111 9,008 8,822 8,452 6,158
Indirect taxes 6,504 6,968 6,333 6,141 6,076 5,126
Real estate tax 2,187 2,461 2,143 1,922 1,671 1,505
Municipal Equalization Fund .. 2,070 1,919 2,099 2,241 2,471 2,345
Business tax 2,084 2,403 1,978 1,816 1,701 1,194
Service revenue 5,334 6,570 4,537 5,327 3,027 1,883
Interest 1,291 1,235 1,251 1,673 1,513 1,084
Capital transfers received 2,909 3,061 2,192 4,536 3,145 1,371
Miscellaneous 430 366 391 445 436 790
Total revenue 34,789 38,082 32,686 36,048 31,247 22,169
Tax revenue 22,011 23,165 22,050 22,258 21,059 16,406
Directtaxes 12,380 12,861 13,186 12,698 11,975 8,581
Indirect taxes 9,631 10,304 8,864 9,560 9,084 7,825
Real estate tax 3,318 3,800 3,018 2,905 2,448 2,329
Municipal Equalization Fund .. 2,660 2,423 2,744 2,925 3,153 3,141
Business tax 3,402 3,849 2,944 3,234 3,126 2,192
Service revenue 6,933 8,549 5,900 6,389 4,511 2,426
Interest 1,171 1,188 955 1,642 1,367 791
Capital transfers received 4,053 4,458 3,210 5,237 3,855 2,151
Miscellaneous 621 722 571 522 455 395