Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.1998, Síða 36

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.1998, Síða 36
34 Gistiskýrslur 1997 Tafla 3. Gistinætur á hótelum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1997 (frh.) Table 3. Overnight stays in hotels by region and citizenship of guests 1997 (cont.) Landið allt Höfuðborgarsvæði Suðumes, Vestur- land og Vestfirðir Southwest, West Norðurland vestra og Norðurland eystra Northwest and Austurland og Suðurland Total Capital region and Westfjords Northeast East and South Ágúst August 89.956 49.011 9.849 12.446 18.650 ísland Iceland 13.138 2.077 2.759 3.552 4.750 Danmörk Denmark 3.788 2.813 365 213 397 Svíþjóð Sweden 4.637 3.388 181 231 837 Noregur Norway 3.724 3.067 118 145 394 Finnland Finland 1.262 1.055 66 55 86 Bretland U.K. 8.098 5.675 390 1.075 958 írland Ireland 46 28 - 12 6 Þýskaland Germany 20.731 10.850 1.866 2.699 5.316 Holland Netherlands 1.786 1.050 195 140 401 Belgía Belgium 521 281 61 73 106 Frakkland France 2.839 1.193 453 264 929 Sviss Switzerland 3.564 2.377 112 737 338 Austurríki Austria 1.154 746 37 212 159 Ítalía Italy 6.045 2.704 658 836 1.847 Spánn Spain 1.426 785 121 201 319 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 4.711 3.592 375 462 282 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 6.556 4.098 769 626 1.063 Kanada Canada 1.685 414 1.159 28 84 Japan Japan 1.344 1.084 41 135 84 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 2.901 1.734 123 750 294 September September 59.341 38.338 6.060 4.955 9.988 ísland Iceland 12.823 3.652 1.907 2.714 4.550 Danmörk Denmark 3.841 3.034 419 122 266 Svíþjóð Sweden 8.650 7.155 258 267 970 Noregur Norway 3.956 3.463 134 93 266 Finnland Finland 1.081 909 39 58 75 Bretland U.K. 5.302 4.223 263 406 410 írland Ireland 1.099 1.012 40 4 43 Þýskaland Germany 6.696 3.771 780 316 1.829 Holland Netherlands 1.552 1.100 100 41 311 Belgía Belgium 124 108 8 1 7 Frakkland France 1.137 863 48 19 207 Sviss Switzerland 458 365 45 16 32 Austurríki Austria 224 145 31 41 7 Ítalía Italy 374 253 34 31 56 Spánn Spain 200 156 13 9 22 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 3.290 2.560 328 168 234 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 4.765 3.618 389 232 526 Kanada Canada 1.503 329 1.121 7 46 Japan Japan 676 384 32 236 24 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 1.590 1.238 71 174 107 Október October 48.897 34.258 4.455 3.447 6.737 Island Iceland 18.488 9.076 2.111 2.889 4.412 Danmörk Denmark 2.221 1.845 226 71 79 Svíþjóð Sweden 3.994 3.548 111 10 325 Noregur Norway 2.634 2.455 63 48 68 Finnland Finland 455 421 8 8 18 Bretland U.K. 6.416 5.598 195 131 492 írland Ireland 528 489 10 6 23 Þýskaland Germany 3.030 2.111 206 23 690 Holland Netherlands 1.322 1.160 61 23 78 Belgía Belgium 281 237 33 5 6 Frakkland France 631 485 17 12 117 Sviss Switzerland 357 323 11 4 19 Austurríki Austria 46 43 1 1 1
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