Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.1998, Qupperneq 105

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.1998, Qupperneq 105
Gistiskýrslur 1997 103 Tafla 17. Gistinætur á tjaldsvæðum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1995-1997 (ffh.) Table 17. Overnight stays in camping sites by region and citizenship of guests 1995-1997 (cont.) Landið Höfuð- borgar- svæði Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- Mið- hálendi allt Capital Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Highland Total region Southwest West Westjjords Northwest Northeast East South areas Þýskaland Germany 28.291 3.225 894 1.132 339 745 8.950 4.279 3.879 4.848 Holland Netherlands 4.827 606 75 77 119 42 1.447 847 594 1.020 Belgía Belgium 889 164 10 5 12 12 233 190 102 161 Frakkland France 9.401 920 140 202 130 79 2.307 1.731 1.005 2.887 Sviss Switzerland 4.180 582 93 97 66 48 1.098 1.050 428 718 Austurríki Austria 4.383 1.006 - 23 34 292 1.159 726 433 710 Italía Italy 1.091 161 - 11 18 10 193 218 116 364 Spánn Spain 513 23 - 23 6 - 64 76 37 284 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 1.275 82 121 50 10 14 446 96 148 308 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 716 69 65 25 13 9 132 160 99 144 Kanada Canada 34 4 - - - - 3 15 2 10 Japan Japan 46 - - 2 6 - 1 24 7 6 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 383 45 19 20 5 - 116 77 41 60 Ágúst-September A ugust-September 105.862 7.171 2.068 2.672 949 2.776 34.332 26.522 13.182 16.190 Island Iceland 50.038 97 39 1.883 494 1.942 17.423 15.947 7.809 4.404 Danmörk Denmark 875 93 93 17 2 8 239 113 135 175 Svíþjóð Sweden 677 83 76 15 6 1 217 75 65 139 Noregur Norway 449 45 24 14 6 - 70 93 54 143 Finnland Finland 64 2 4 - - - 22 11 5 20 Bretland U.K. 3.072 449 150 23 35 25 962 779 245 404 Irland Ireland 387 14 10 - - - 267 73 8 15 Þýskaland Germany 25.658 2.976 1.062 525 101 482 8.236 4.716 2.794 4.766 Holland Netherlands 3.962 569 89 35 115 30 1.216 725 332 851 Belgía Belgium 554 90 7 - 25 5 110 129 66 122 Frakkland France 8.518 937 157 65 70 100 2.054 1.568 766 2.801 Sviss Switzerland 2.508 404 104 19 30 18 756 501 213 463 Austurríki Austria 2.835 742 7 6 12 142 591 431 300 604 Italía Italy 2.278 423 5 4 16 14 488 691 184 453 Spánn Spain 877 41 5 18 22 - 145 262 77 307 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 2.059 93 163 38 6 4 1.213 189 36 317 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 635 58 71 10 4 5 181 139 54 113 Kanada Canada 61 31 - - - - 6 11 3 10 Japan Japan 29 1 - - - - 1 13 5 9 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 326 23 2 - 5 - 135 56 31 74 1996 Alls Total 266.961 18.034 4.582 12.108 4.701 10.402 75.798 51.352 49.779 40.205 Island Iceland 136.660 509 81 8.506 3.314 7.791 39.240 26.711 33.437 17.071 Danmörk Denmark 3.860 523 116 265 21 107 1.116 838 381 493 Svíþjóð Sweden 2.169 282 85 73 14 35 616 432 348 284 Noregur Norway 1.571 169 27 56 15 91 409 342 212 250 Finnland Finland 448 38 2 8 - 15 142 112 91 40 Bretland U.K. 6.591 995 207 124 53 34 1.804 1.650 781 943 Irland Ireland 238 10 22 2 4 3 36 40 82 39 Þýskaland Germany 56.370 6.607 2.322 1.729 666 1.284 16.921 9.840 7.956 9.045 Holland Netherlands 11.925 1.557 391 172 132 144 3.650 2.249 1.289 2.341 Belgía Belgium 2.076 362 73 23 47 30 394 476 362 309 Frakkland France 19.128 2.319 459 665 206 240 4.357 3.929 1.878 5.075 Sviss Switzerland 6.779 1.102 263 172 70 106 1.764 1.525 811 966 Austurríki Austria 7.132 2.013 191 62 28 339 1.442 1.046 723 1.288 Ítalía Italy 3.499 475 123 76 66 96 966 591 458 648
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