Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.1998, Síða 107

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.1998, Síða 107
Gistiskýrslur 1997 105 Tafla 17. Gistinætur á tjaldsvæðum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1995-1997 (frh.) Table 17. Overnight stays in camping sites by region and citizenship of guests 1995-1997 (cont.) Landið allt Total Höfuð- borgar- svæði Capital region Suðumes Southwest Vestur- land West Vest- firðir Westfjords Norður- land vestra Northwest Norður- land eystra Northeast Austur- land East Suður- land South Mið- hálendi Highland areas Ágúst-September A ugust-September 92.844 8.075 1.976 3.376 2.180 2.949 29.893 17.308 12.909 14.178 Island lceland 37.316 193 19 1.897 1.614 2.023 14.465 6.544 6.900 3.661 Danmörk Denmark 912 136 18 161 5 11 196 157 105 123 Svíþjóð Sweden 579 38 22 24 1 21 160 100 98 115 Noregur Norway 334 13 4 11 3 4 56 72 65 106 Finnland Finland 169 11 2 - 1 61 45 26 23 Bretland U.K. 2.904 431 103 46 13 10 855 729 280 437 írland Ireland 87 1 2 - 14 21 33 16 Þýskaland Germany 24.748 3.125 995 678 311 537 7.381 4.405 3.105 4.211 Holland Netherlands 5.179 721 174 60 44 49 1.585 1.007 484 1.055 Belgía Belgium 667 145 28 3 9 6 94 162 104 116 Frakkland France 9.160 1.089 244 329 86 89 2.032 2.168 683 2.440 Sviss Switzerland 2.452 453 103 52 17 37 558 534 306 392 Austurríki Austria 2.586 953 89 26 13 83 436 303 234 449 Italía Italy 2.024 305 75 46 26 48 672 298 176 378 Spánn Spain 1.025 142 10 9 1 10 203 320 62 268 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 1.674 160 56 13 11 7 895 229 65 238 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 490 81 27 11 13 8 112 82 86 70 Kanada Canada 153 39 - 12 1 18 23 45 15 Japan Japan 90 10 2 - - 34 19 17 8 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 295 29 9 4 1 4 66 90 35 57 1997 Alls Total 261.794 15.255 6.504 14.873 3.991 12.645 72.007 50.610 49.447 36.462 Island Iceland 144.480 983 32 10.483 2.780 9.995 41.056 29.332 34.368 15.451 Danmörk Denmark 4.589 660 190 156 45 169 1.246 1.045 509 569 Svíþjóð Sweden 2.020 272 78 79 39 35 529 373 229 386 Noregur Norway 1.566 156 34 71 14 9 422 349 169 342 Finnland Finland 585 143 16 7 13 19 141 113 72 61 Bretland U.K. 5.723 839 231 182 55 60 1.718 1.097 704 837 Irland Ireland 340 13 10 7 18 - 34 22 40 196 Þýskaland Germany 48.078 5.312 3.975 2.236 506 1.374 12.016 8.122 7.172 7.365 Holland Netherlands 10.242 1.382 403 221 115 130 3.201 2.041 1.016 1.733 Belgía Belgium 2.556 354 127 61 32 46 758 542 263 373 Frakkland France 18.658 1.615 557 632 124 319 5.127 3.192 2.187 4.905 Sviss Switzerland 5.903 770 259 215 158 95 1.776 914 760 956 Austurríki Austria 5.650 1.263 162 74 34 170 1.332 972 722 921 Ítalía Italy 3.693 421 126 109 13 95 984 810 327 808 Spánn Spain 1.756 171 40 37 6 63 240 527 137 535 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 2.567 366 144 71 24 16 660 416 334 536 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 1.674 252 59 41 41 276 404 266 335 Kanada Canada 300 56 15 5 2 105 63 40 14 Japan Japan 122 24 5 5 1 11 42 21 13 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 1.292 203 46 181 10 6 375 234 111 126 Maí-júní May-June 34.638 8.554 4.284 11.463 2.755 8.816 47.602 31.985 29.884 23.432 Island Iceland 21.071 247 2.748 70 622 2.893 3.190 8.029 3.272 Danmörk Denmark 671 54 63 46 6 16 137 167 117 65 Svíþjóð Sweden 454 46 14 31 6 92 99 53 113 Noregur Norway 177 42 20 2 40 38 32 3 Finnland Finland 123 27 1 6 4 41 26 8 10 Bretland U.K. 632 83 24 51 1 7 143 76 80 167
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