Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.10.2019, Qupperneq 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 25.10.2019, Qupperneq 27
Our Picks 27The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 19— 2019 Art Listin!s Events are listed by venue. For complete listin!s and detailed information on venues, visit !!. Send your listin!s to: listin!s@! Opening DEIGLAN Only The Cold Air Can Wake Me Monade Li presents three experi- mental art videos, two of them are in homage to Ingmar Bergman’s film 'Persona,' and question the duplication and metamorphosis of the human being. The third is titled 'The Selkie' and will be screened for the first time here. Based on a seal- woman legend, it tells of a female character’s will to reach the sea and never be a woman again. • Opens on October 26th, 2019 • Runs until October 27th, 2019 GALLERY PORT "a# sem fer í hring In the exhibition “"a# sem fer í hring,” Icelandic artist Kristín Morthens explores the circular form through abstract paintings. The pieces are visual collages contain- ing fluid, organic forms painted with oil and are interrupted by matte sprayed surfaces reminiscent of old digital image processing programs, sometimes letting the circles float, other times drowning them. • Opens on October 26th, 2019 • Runs until November 7th, 2019 Ongoing NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND Treasures Of A Nation A selection of over 80 works chosen from the national gallery’s collec- tion displays the evolution of art since the 19th century. • Runs until December 31st, 2019 Violin Power 1 In this autonomous work, observe Steina‘s development as an artist, from playing the violin in her youth and dancing in later years, to sing- ing along to the Beatles‘ "Let it Be" as a stoical, mature artist. • Runs until December 31st, 2019 EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Permanent Exhibition The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM Settlement Sagas As Viking ruins meet digital technol- ogy, this exhibition provides insight into Reykjavík's farms at the time of the first settlers. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM $ ÁSMUNDARSAFN Ásmundur Sveinsson: Under the Same Sky - Art In Public Space Ásmundarsafn is named a%er sculp- tor Ásmundur Sveinsson. This new permanent exhibition presents the artist in a new light. What dialogue does his works provoke? • Runs until December 31st, 2019 Helgi Gíslason: Where The Boundaries Lie Helgi Gíslason presents a series of sculptures from di&erent periods of his career. In his work, Helgi deals with man and the human condi- tion. His works, though, are up for interpretation. • Runs until November 3rd, 2019 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Icelandic Cornershops In the mid-80s, small shops were found on every street corner of the city, serving as more than just grocery shops but rather as social centres, where people gathered to chat, catch up, and exchange news. This exhibit celebrates that lost piece of history. • Runs until November 5th, 2019 Encounters - Nordic Photography Beyond Borders This exhibit is characterised by social and political overtones. In the works, ways are explored of visualis- ing “encounters“ between subjects, thus drawing attention to major issues like immigration, changes to land- and cityscapes, or the local impacts of globalisation. • Runs until January 12th, 2020 REYKJAVÍK MARITIME MUSEUM Fish & Folk Name a better duo than fish and Iceland. You can’t. So come learn about the history of Icelandic fisher- ies from rowing boats to monstrous motor boats. Melckmeyt 1659 Melckmeyt was a Dutch merchant ship that crashed near Flatey Island in 1659. Explore the wreck here. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM $ HAFNARHÚS Erró: Mao's World Tour Between 1972 and 1980, Erró painted over 130 paintings, with two images of di&erent origins against each other: Chinese propaganda posters of Mao Zedong and Western tourist pictures from famous sites. • Runs until January 5th, 2020 SOMETHING FROM NOTHING: The Visual Realm Of Magnús Pálsson Artist Magnús Pálsson is known for the breadth of his mediums. Here, selected pieces from the early 60s until today reflect Magnús's pop/ conceptual philosophies in sculp- tures, bookworks and two-dimen- sional works. • Runs until January 12th, 2020 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND Pike Ward Around 1900, Englishman Pike Ward was a well-known figure in Iceland. The fisherman was an amateur pho- tographer, focusing on everyday life. Here, see over 1,500 photos and 300 artifacts the ecctric collected from his travels around the country. • Runs until January 12th, 2020 MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART Behind The Scenes: Archiving A Ceramic Collection In 1979, Anna Eyjólfsdóttir began to collect ceramic pieces by Icelan- dic artists. In 2017, the Museum of aquired her collection. Currently, the museum is cataloguing the collec- tion in front of your eyes. • Runs until October 27th, 2019 NORDIC HOUSE You never know what you have until you lose it In his artwork, Ólafur Sveinsson wants to bring awareness to the fragility of Icelandic nature and the threats posed to it by mankind. The multimedia exhibition in the Nordic House shows areas in Iceland that have already been lost to industrial development, including before and a%er pictures of the area around the infamous Kárahnjúkar power plant. • Runs until November 17th, 2019 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM $ KJARVALSSTA'IR Jóhannes S. Kjarval: Can't Draw a Harebell Here, explore the floral works of Jóhannes S. Kjarval, a%er whom the museum is named. Be it ornamental plants, potted plants, or wildflowers, you'll find it all. • Runs until December 31st, 2019 ÁRBÆR OPEN AIR MUSEUM HEIMAt: Two Worlds To mark the 70th anniversary of the arrival in 1949 of a group of Germans to who travelled to Iceland aboard the Esja ship, this exhibition pres- ents photographs of their journey made by Marzena Skubatz. • Runs until October 31st, 2019 HAFNARBORG Prison Olga Bergmann and Anna Hallin capture the "all-seeing eye" of surveillance systems, exploring the concept of prison, both in the conventional sense within the walls of detention centers, as well as beyond into the greater monitoring of everyday society. • Runs until October 27th, 2019 GER'ARSAFN KÓPAVOGUR ART MUSEUM Lots Of Tiny People The exhibition project 'Lots Of Tiny People' explores the spiritual, the unknown, esoterism, and anthro- posophy. The title is derived from a blackboard drawing by Austrian anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner, who used to draw images to support his spoken words. In addition to the art- works on display, there will also be lectures, cources, and discussions on the topic of art, man, and spirit. • Runs until January 5th, 2020 MOKKA KAFFI INDISTRIA Photographer Karl R. Lilliendahl pres- ents a series of works exploring old industry and flying birds—a state- ment to mankind on the eve of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution. • Runs until October 27th, 2019 HVERFISGALLERÍ Djúpalogn Harpa Árnadóttir embarks on a jour- ney through her inner landscape, where the (ord, the creativity and writing react to each other. The exhibition has autobiographic atmo- sphere, shaped by speculations on the childhood. • Runs until November 23rd, 2019 KLING & BANG Í ALVÖRU - REALLY Kling & Bang's current exhibition was part of the 2019 Sequences Art Festival. It features works by Mark Lewis, James Castle, Emma Hei#ars- dóttir, Jason de Haan, Karin Sander, Ceal Floyer, Kristján Gu#mundsson, Sæmundur "ór Helgason, Kristinn Gu#brandur Har#arson, Roger Ack- ling and Hildur Bjarnadóttir. • Runs until November 17th, 2019 I8 Yui Yaegashi While at a distance Yaegashi’s small, unassuming works display a quiet simplicity, close attention reveals complex patterning and layers of detail. Their handling of paint creates vibrant tensions between control and chance, precision and unexpected beauty, compelling us to look again, more closely. • Runs until December 7th, 2019 ÁSMUNDARSALUR Kristinn Gu#brand Har#arson The Sequence Art Festival’s honor- ary artist this year was Kristinn Gu#brand Har#arson, who is known for personal and poetic processing of his close environment. The exhibi- tion in Ásmundarsalur was part of the festival and features various di&erent mediums. • Runs until October 29th, 2019 ÍSLENSK GRAFÍK Sliding Over The Surface Anna Paw)owska presents a series of prints made in the aquatint tech- nique—an interpretation of optical phenomena and an attempt to find a relation between the beam of light and etching process. • Runs until November 3rd, 2019 October 25th—November 7th "a# sem fer í hring Oct. 26th-Nov. 7th - Gallery Port In the exhibi- tion “"a# sem fer í hring,” Icelandic artist Kristín Morthens explores the circular form through abstract paintings. The pieces are visual collages contain- ing fluid, organic forms painted with oil and are interrupted by matte sprayed surfaces reminis- cent of old digital image process- ing programs, sometimes letting the circles float, other times drowning them. Though abstract, Kristín’s paintings are strangely relatable. The images are clearly an expression of her personal experiences and o%en the circles refer to some- thing symbolic. The magic lies in the shapes evoking di&er- ent emotions in every spectator. Whilst you see a sun, someone else might see a nipple. You’ll probably learn a lot about your companion when discussing the pieces. LM Dr. Denise León: How a house is made Nov. 6th - 16:30 - Veröld Scholar and poet Dr. Denise León holds a guest lecture at the Uni- versity of Iceland on contemporary poetry written by Argentinian women. Despite relative gender equality, the country continues to struggle with problems like do- mestic violence. The event will be held in English. LM Bótaník Until Nov. 1st - Coocoo’s Nest Melkorka "orkels- dóttir, who you mi!ht know as DJ Motherfunker or one half of DJ Dominatricks, is all about pris- min!, holo!raph- ic, !em-encrust- ed and obnoxious artworks. We’d recommend wearin! body !litter and a shiny outfit if you want to fit in. HJC Ólöf Nordal: Ún!l Until Jan. 5th - Kjarvalssta#ir In this mid-career retrospective, Ólöf Nordal dis- sects the struc- tural material of mythical tales— taking old events and folktales and putting them into a modern context. Enter her preoccupation with nature and connect yourself to the land. HJC Gar!atorg 1· Gar!abær Open Tue - Sun 12 -17 Exhibitions: Behind the Scenes Filing of a ceramic collection Sveinn Kjarval Furniture and interior designer Opening 2nd November Anna María Pitt Silversmith Designer in residence Opening 25th October


Reykjavík Grapevine

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