Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.12.2019, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.12.2019, Blaðsíða 24
Music Two Icelandic women are amongst those nominated for the 2020 Grammy Awards, setting a historic precedent for Icelandic music. Anna !orvalds- dóttir has been nominated for Best Engineered Album, Classical, for her album ‘Aequa.’ Hildur Gu$nadót- tir has been nominated for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media for her composition of the ‘Chernobyl’ score. It bears mentioning that she has already secured an Emmy win for the score for episode two of the series, “Please Remain Calm”. Will two Ice- landic women go home with Grammy awards on January 26th? Only time will tell, but we’re rooting for them both. AF The grim-postmodern-scream-of- angst-and-BDSM-fueled-anti-hate— and now anti-corruption—band Hatari performed at a protest rally at Austurvöllur connected to the scandal around the fishing company Samherji, who are accused of bribery in Namib- ia. Forgoing their normal vinyl gimp onesies, Hatari donned business suits to underline the uniform of corrup- tion, which the band then endorsed onstage in a very sarcastic way. Hatari is no stranger to capitalism, as they currently operate a company called Svikamylla ehf., or the “Big Scam”, which tries to sell the livestock—i.e. us, the depressed consumers—use- less stuff to fill our empty souls. It works. VG Genki Instruments' ‘Wave’ ring offi- cially won the Icelandic Design Prize at the 2019 Iceland Design Awards. Cre- ated by Ólafur Bjarki Bogason, Daníel Grétarsson, Jón Helgi Hólmgeirsson, and Haraldur Hugosson, the ring is a wearable MIDI controller that allows artists to control sounds with a series of small tilts, pans, rolls, taps, and clicks. Of course, always being ahead of the curve, the Grapevine named Wave Product of the Year at the 2018 Reykjavík Grapevine Design Awards. “The way they have integrated design with the technological process is a good example of what design can do,” the Grapevine awards panel said. “They designed an experience.” IP MUSIC NEWS The Greatest Hits The Grapevine’s critics pick the best of 2019 Words: The Grapevine Music Review Team As 2019 draws to an end, we asked our music team for their person- al highlights from this fabulously diverse year in Icelandic music. It’s impossible to talk about this year in Icelandic music without first mentioning one name: Hildur Gu!nadóttir, and her work on the HBO miniseries ‘Chernobyl’. Hildur’s ability to transform the silent and invisible—nuclear radiation—into savage, eerie frequencies is a feat. I’ll never forget the unsettling chords the moment the fireman grasped the graphite—I’m getting chills think- ing about it! Other than that, Une Misère’s ‘Sermon’ was an obvious standout, as was their Iceland Air- waves performance at the Reykjavík Art Museum. The band’s melange of hardcore/death/black metal has done what seemed impossible: it crossed over to the mainstream. They play at Priki! now for god's sake! Next on the list, the debut of gugusar—a 15-year-old electric wunderkind— made me excited for the future of the scene as did the soothing piano works of Gabríel Ólafs. I stan. HJC This was undoubtedly a defining year for Post-dreifing. The young D.I.T. (“do it together”) music and art col- lective has been pumping out more new music this past year than you can shake a stick at, with standout re- leases by the likes of Skoffín, GRÓA, sideproject, bagdad brothers, We Are Not Romantic, K.óla and many more. They also dominated the un- derground live scene and drew at- tention from international media. On another note, as the resurgence of dark music keeps booming, Kælan Mikla and their synth-producer Sólveig Matthildur have kept soar- ing, opening for The Cure, touring extensively through North America and Europe, and securing their place in the modern goth cannon. RB This year was a diverse one. The big- gest standout, in my opinion, was the incredible collective success of Icelandic classical music. This was exemplified in the compilation al- bum ‘Concurrence’ by the Iceland Symphony Orchestra, which was conducted by the classical super- star, and former Grapevine cover star Daníel Bjarnason. There, you’ll find amazing work by artists like María Huld Markan, Víkingur Hei!ar Ólafsson and Anna "orvaldsdóttir, who was recently nominated for a Grammy. When it comes to electron- ic music, Berlin-based techno-star Bjarki is an absolute standout with his album, ‘Happy Earthday.’ Sin Fang enjoyed a brilliant comeback in 2019 with his boyish and melancholic album ‘Sad Party,’ and Mr. Silla re- leased a fantastic effort ‘Hands On Hands,’ which unfortunately slid under the radar but should have been one of the year’s biggest hits. VG There are two albums this year that completely won my heart. First, I would like to mention Andavald’s absolutely breathtaking and devas- tating debut album ‘Undir Skygg!ar- haldi.’ The insanely well-composed tremolo-picked guitar harmonies provide a fitting background for the vocals of pure despair. It’s authentic and gorgeous. The second album that deserves full attention is K.óla’s ‘Allt ver!ur alltílæ.’ Every track on this album is a hit. They are incredibly well-written, well-produced and authentic pop hits that never get boring, no matter how often you listen. And believe me, because I have listened the s*** out of them. PUW Reigning champion of the Icelandic music scene, Hildur Gu$nadóttir LIVE MUSIC & EV EN T S events venue bar& Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík EVERY TUESDAY* EVERY MONDAY* KARAOKE PARTY 21.00 / FREE ENTRY SOULFLOW COMEDY WOMEN & QUEER OPEN MIC STANDUP IN ENGLISH / 21.00 / FREE ENTRY *DATES VARY DURING THE HOLIDAYS 6/12 7/12 12/12 13/12 14/12 15/12 18/12 19/12 23/12 26/12 27/12 28/12 29/12 31/12 FRIDAY NIGHT KARAOKE PARTY BURLESQUE SHOW BY TROUPE TÚTTÍFRÚTTURNAR AESCULUS, MORII, CHEAP POETRY DRAG-SÚGUR QUEER VARIETY SHOW THIS MONTH: A HOLIDAY SPECIAL HORRIBLE YOUTH AND ÓVÆRA RELEASE PARTY SONGWRITER NIGHT VEGANÆS XMAS FEAST ALL VEGAN HOLIDAY FOOD EXTRAVAGANZA KLAKI, MIGHTY BEAR 20/12 (18+) & 21/12 (20+): 24/7, YUNG NIGO, DANIIL XMAS KARAOKE PARTY DRAG-SÚGUR DRAG LAB MONTHLY EXPERIMENTAL DRAG SHOW ALICE IN CHAINS TRIBUTE CONCERT DJ FLUGVÉL OG GEIMSKIP, SINGAPORE SLING AND MORE BURLESQUE SHOW BY TROUPE LADIES AND A GENTLEMAN NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY


Reykjavík Grapevine

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