Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2020, Blaðsíða 40

Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2020, Blaðsíða 40
L IF E , T R AV EL & EN T ER TA INMEN T IN ICEL A ND Issue 01 $ 2020 Jan 10th—Feb 6th LAST WORDS To The Nazi In The Café Words: Catharine Fulton Photo: Art Bicnick Thank you for so publicly displaying your hate in the form of a sizeable decal on your otherwise standard issue MacBook. Standing behind you in line, you spoke with such con- geniality to the barista (who is most certainly not Nordic... why didn't you "resist" her?) that I contentedly sat with my oat milk latte and a warm feeling in my heart that I was shar- ing the space with another good and decent human being. Thank you for correcting me. % % % As 2020 kicks into gear, I am grateful for the opportunity to sip my morning coffee in close proximity to your hostile symbolism, as the experience has served to strengthen my resolve to spend this new year and every year thereafter doing what I can to combat your ide- ologies and build a society where you do not feel comfortable being so brazen in your hatred. % % % I resolve, among other things, to multi- ply my efforts to instil in my children a deep appreciation and love for people of every colour, creed, gender and ability and teach them that all people are welcome and worthy. % % % If I were a religious person, dear Nazi, I would pray for you. But instead I will keep you in mind as I spread love and acceptance. I will also hope that in this new year, for the sake of yourself, Icelandic society and the world at large, you will resolve to em- brace and appreciate the differences of the people around you rather than continuing to harbour so much disdain in your heart. % % % Happy New Year. GUIDED DAY TOURS WWW.RSS.IS BOOKING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE 24/7 +354 497 5000 WWW.RSS.IS 2019 CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE BOOKING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE 24/7 + 354 497 8000 WWW.AIRPORTDIRECT.IS OFFICIAL PARTNER WITH KEF AIRPORT AIRPORT TRANSFERS WWW.AIRPORTDIRECT.IS GET 10% DISCOUNT BY USING THE CODE GRAPEVINE10 GET 10% DISCOUNT BY USING THE CODE GRAPEVINE10 DOOR TO DOOR SERVICEREYKJAVIK TERMINAL TO KEF AIRPORT 3.000ISKP R I C EF R O M P R I C EF R O M 5.990ISK ECONOMY PREMIUM PRICE FROM PRICE FROM6.990ISK 5.390ISK GOLDEN CIRCLE NORTHERN LIGHTS WWW.RSS.IS/GCC WWW.RSS.IS/NLS ARCANUM.IS • INFO@ARCANUM.IS • TEL: +354 487 1500 Adventure Tours Snowmobiles on M!rdalsjökull Call sales office from 08:00 - 18:00 or book online. ATV’s on Black Sand Beaches with visit to Plane Wreck in South Iceland


Reykjavík Grapevine

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