Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2020, Blaðsíða 17

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2020, Blaðsíða 17
now—I’m representing a story that happened a while ago. I always get a bit sad about how the music industry works because techni- cally you could write a song and release it the next day—but if you want to do things well you have to work for that. That of course takes time and then you’re left discon- nected.” Still, Jófrí!ur doesn’t seem too concerned. “There’s a truth in everything but there’s also a bit of fiction and fantasy,” she con- cludes, before emphasising how excited she is to be touring again. Her unplanned hiatus in Reykjavik has left her with itchy feet, it ap- pears. Forays into film Despite fewer performances and tours during this period of accli- matization, Jófrí!ur has still been incredibly busy by most people’s standards—everybody’s but hers, it would appear. Notably she has been making a move into film com- position, for which she has drawn from both her classical music t r a i n i n g a n d her experience of creating elec- tronic music. The first full- l e n g t h s c o r e she produced was for ‘Agnes Joy,’ Silja Hauks- dóttir’s tale of midlife-burnout and familial re- lationships that was released last year. “I was very proud of myself for how I did that in the end,” Jó- frí!ur says of this new area she’s exploring. Within the context of Icelandic film composer Hildur Gu!nadóttir’s recent astronomical success, Jófrí!ur is confident that female composers are beginning to be seen with a new-found respect. “I think one of the things that is a problem—and I think Hildur has mentioned this in interviews as well—is that people don’t expect women to be able to handle these projects. So the fact that she’s faced those challenges, and she’s made it through...” Jófrí!u trails off and throws her hands up with palpable awe. “It’s such an inspiration just because the whole world is watch- ing and then there’s this incredible woman who’s not just an amazing composer—she’s also an amazing role model. And of course people will be like, oh okay, well maybe there are other women who could do this.” Empowering others Being a good role model and of- fering a leg up to other young women is something Jófrí!ur takes seriously. Alongside her work on score composition, she has also been involved with a project in c o l l a b o r a t i o n with 101derland teaching young women how to use sound pro- duction software such as Ableton. She is hesitant to talk about it in a way that might come across as self-congratula- tory, and suggests that some of the ‘Women In Music’ events she has come across have missed the mark. “I think it’s important to talk about this situation and to figure out how you can be of help in a way that isn’t just self promotion,” she says. “I just want to be able to empower them to make their own recordings and stuff,” she says. “But one of the reasons why I wanted to do it is because I didn’t have any of that direct contact from a role model telling me about these things.” Fearless Future Lacking a role model or clear di- rection in her early days of music was somewhat of a challenge, Jó- frí!ur recognises. But that time of confusion fuelled her develop- ment into a confident and com- petent musician. “We were defi- nitely a bit stupid sometimes,” she acknowledges. “But that’s okay. We definitely made a lot of mis- takes—and learned from them. I feel like that’s something that you use for the rest of your life.” A decade in the music indus- try is a long time, no matter how old you are, and it’s hard to find a permanent footing on a constant- ly shifting landscape. But this is something that Jófrí!ur seems to have achieved in the last ten years through her hard work, creativity and dedication. Looking forward, she has a clear idea exactly how she wants to flourish in the fu- ture: “I think I’ve been in this kind of phase for the last couple of years where I’ve been questioning—for good reasons, it’s quite healthy to do that. But I want to do less of that now and go back into more intuitive movement. I feel like I’ve had enough of just thinking about things.” She smiles. “We’ll see. Maybe in ten years I’ll be fearless.” JFDR will hold a release concert for 'New Dreams' on March 13th at I!NÓ. Tickets are 2,900 ISK. 17The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03— 2020 Weekend Brunch Dinner & music drinks & view ingólfsstræti 1, 101 Reykjavík #eatinthecenterRESTAURANT & BAR “I had to recon- nect with the feel- ing of home and normal life and what everything meant to me.”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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