Fjölrit RALA - 05.12.1999, Side 115
Zambyn Batjargal
new state that is of less benefít to the grazing animal in terms of biomass pro-
duction and animal preference for plant species comprising the biomass.
• Livestock grazing can induce loss of soils to the degree that the natural plant
community is no longer capable of maintaining itself. Only on these sites,
where natural plant communities will be replaced, intervention programs are
• National Plan of Action to combat Desertifícation should be converted into a
continued functioning mechanism of interaction among agriculture, animal
husbandry, forestiy', water resources management, and industry; bringing into
focus the most desertification prone areas.
Batjargal, Z. 1992. The climatic and man-induced environmentai factors of the degradation of eco-
system in Mongolia, International Workshop on Desertification, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 19 pp.
Dagvadorj, D., Mijiddorj, R., Natsagdorj, L. 1994. Climate change in Mongolia. Papers in Meteoroi-
ogy, No.17. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 3-10.
Mongolian Statistical Yearbook 1998. National Statistical office of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 287 pp.
United Nations 1994. National Plan of Action to Combat Desertification in Mongolia (NPACD),
Ulaanbaatar, 266 pp.