Fjölrit RALA - 15.06.2004, Side 8
Sellitto, M.V., G. Palumbo, A. Di Cerce and C. Colombo Application of diffuse reflectance
spectroscopy to characterise volcanic soil color and mineralogy
Sigfusson B., S.R. Gislason and G.I. Paton Soil solution composition and weathering rates
of a Histic Andosol, Iceland.
Organic matter and biological activity
Guicharnaud R. and H. Björnsson C and N mineralization rates of cultivated Icelandic
Kromka M. et al. Selected microbial characteristics of vulcanic soils in Slovak Republic
Michopoulos P. and A. Economou Nitrogen mineralization from various volcanic soils
Sigfusson B., G.I. Paton and S.R. Gislason Soil carbon fluxes during leaching of a Histic
Andosol, Iceland-evaluation of scale and sampling techniques.
Vavoulidou E., M. Wood and E. J. Avramides Biophysical characterization of soils on the
island of Santorini (Greece)
Vavoulidou E., A. Oikonomou and F. Bartoli Enchytreid reproduction test in volcanic
material on Santorini
Physics-chemistry, nutrient andpollutant binding
Auxtero E. and M. Madeira P adsorption and desorption capacities of andisols from
European volcanic areas
Dawson J.J.C., O. Arnalds and G.I. Paton Distribution and bioavailability of heavy metals
in Icelandic Soils
Delfosse T., P. Delmelle and B. Delvaux Acid neutralizing napacity of Andosols : Effects of
weathering stage and sulfur storage
Dominguez A., A. Batista and J. Hernandez-Moreno Charge characteristics and z-potential
of Andisols of the Canary Islands
Fuleky G. Phosphate sorption of European volcanic soils
García-Rodeja E., J.C. Nóvoa, X. Pontevedra, A. Martínez and P. Buurman
Characterization of reactive components using selective dissolution methods, and their
relation to soil properties in European Volcanic Soils
Garcia-Santos G. and C. Regalado Water content dependence of hydrophobicity in
organomineral andosols from Garajonay National Park (Canary Islands)
Kardjilov M.I., S.R Gíslason and G. Gísladóttir GIS for the geochemistry of surface waters
in Northeastem Iceland.
Nóvoa J. C., X. Pontevedra, A. Martínez and E. García-Rodeja Mercury accumulation in
European volcanic soils with special reference to the role of the properties of andic horizons
Paton G.I., C.J. Paterson, A. Winton, T. Tiensing, O. Arnalds and J.J.C. Dawson
Distribution, bioavailability and behavior of persistent organic pollutants in Andosols: with
specific reference to Iceland
Pochet G. and B. Delvaux Water properties of volcanic ash soils rich in high charge
Regalado C., M. Jose and M. Hernandez Modelling the effect of allophane water in the
dielectric response of volcanic soils
Sansoulet J., Y.M. Cabidoche, P. Cattan, C. Clermont Dauphin, L. Desfontaines and
C. Malaval Solute transfert in an andisol of the French West Indies after application of
KN03: from the agreggate to the field experiment
Takahashi T. and M. Nanzyo Aluminum solubility in nonallophanic Andosols from
northeastern Japan
Wolff-Boenisch D., S.R. Gíslason and E.H. Oelkers Proton/A13+ exchange reaction as a
precursor of the hydrolysis of volcanic glasses.