Fjölrit RALA - 15.06.2004, Qupperneq 35
C horizons, respectively. There is absence of carbonates. It is classified (WRB) as Aridic
tephric Regosol.
The Vlychada (No2) reaches the depth of 1 m. Four horizons have been distinguished, A (0-
7 cm), A2 (7-40), C(40-68) and Ck (68-100+). The sand fraction is 79.7, 83.0, 72.7 and
71.9%, the clay one is 3.0, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.4%, the pH (1:2.5 H2O) is 7.51, 8.60, 9.07 and 9.33,
the CEC is 8.10, 5.25, 5.87 and 5.26 emOcKg"1, the P olsen 17.0, 2.9, 0 and 0 mg Kg'1, the
CaC03 0.93, 0.88, 2.96 and 2.03%, the organic carbon is 1.80, 0.31, 0.45 and 0.36% for the
four horizons, A, A2, C and Ck respectively. It is classified (WRB) as Aridic tephric
The profitis Ilias (No 3) is a very shallow soil too, developed on pumice parent material.
Three horizons have been distinguished, A (0-7 cm), AC (7-30) and C (>30). The sand
fraction is 33, 81 and 91%, the clay one 6, 4 and 6%, the pH (1:2.5 H2O) is 7.82, 8.23 and
8.92, the CEC is 12.67, 4.64 and 1.20 emolcKg"1, the P olsen 16.7, 6.7 and 0 mg Kg1, the
CaC03 10.12, 3.08, and 2.42%, the organic carbon is 7.09, 0.91 and 0.21% for the three
horizons, A, AC and C, respectively. It is classified (WRB) as Aridic tephric Regosol.
The Mitilini (No4) reaches the depth of 75 cm. Four horizons have been distinguished, A0
(2-0 cm), A1 (0-19), A3 (19-43) and C (43-73+). The sand fraction is n.e., 71, 69 and 72%,
the clay one is n.e., 14, 16 and 16%, the pH (1:1 H2O) is 5.83, 6.50, 6.40 and 6.18, the CEC
is 85, 15, 9 and 9 cmolcKg"1, the organic matter is 54.64, 1.49, 0.41 and 0.35% for the four
horizons, AO, Al, A3 and C, respectively. It is classified (WRB) as Eutric Regosol.
The Limnos (No 3) is a very shallow soil. Two horizons have been distinguished, A (0-7
cm), and C (7-17). The sand fraction is 61 and 64%, the clay one 16 and 16%, the pH (1:1
H2O) is 6.02 and 5.35, the CEC is 40 and 24 cmolckg"1, the base saturation is 37 and 59%, the
organic matter is 2.73 and 0.53% for the two horizons, A and C, respectively, Sandy loam
textured throughout the profile. It is classified (WRB) as Eutric Regosol.
The soil developed on volcanic material in Greece seems to show quite different properties
from the other volcanic soil due to climatic conditions prevailing in these regions.