Fjölrit RALA - 15.06.2004, Blaðsíða 39
Cambisols. In the Arenosols and Regosols, the presence of non- or only slightly weathered
pyroclastic products in these soils is handled through a Tephric quahfier.
Rules of qualifier use are such that conflicts or overlaps must be avoided. Consequently,
Mollic, Calcaric, Sodic or Eutric Andosols do not exist because this would imply a
combination of high base saturation with the acid soil conditions in aluandic types of
Andosols. Similarly, Dystric Andosols would signify an overlap, low base saturation in
combination with acid soil conditions.
Correlation of WRB Andosols with other soil classifícation systems
Some other systems of soil classification that have special classes for soils derived from
volcanic ash are the USDA Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1999), the French Référentiel
Pédologique (AFES, 1995), the Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CRGCST, 2001), the Japanese
Classification of Cultivated Soils (CCCS, 1996), the Russian Soil Classification (Stolbovoi,
2000), and the New Zealand Soil Classification (Hewitt, 1998). The table below provides
approximate correlations of the main Andosol types:
WRB USA France China Japan Russia New Zealand
Andosols Andisols Andosols Andosols Regosols Volcanic soils
Vitric Vitri- Great Groups Vitrosols Vitric Andosols Volcanogenous Regosols Volcanics banded Pumice soils
Silic Eutric subgroups Silandosols Typic subgroups Haplic subgroups Volcanic ochre Typic Allophanic soils
Aluandic Alic subgroups Aluandosols Alic subgroups Non-allophanic subgroups (not recognized) Acidic Allophanic soils
AFES (Association Frangaise pour FÉtude du Sol). 1995. Référentiel Pédologique. INRA Éditions,
Blakemore L.C., P.L. Searle and B.K. Daly. 1987. Methods for chemical analysis of soils. N.Z. Soil
Bureau Sci. Rep. 80. Soil Bureau, Lower Hutt.
CCCS (Classification Committee of Cultivated Soils). 1996. Classification of Cultivated Soils in
Japan. Third Approximation. NIAES, Tsukuba.
CRGCST (Cooperative Research Group on Chinese Soil Taxonomy). 2001. Chinese Soil Taxonomy.
Science Press, Beijing.
Driessen P., J. Deckers, O. Spaargaren and F. Nachtergaele (eds). 2001. Lecture notes on the major
soils of the world. World Soil Resources Reports 94. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Rome.
Hewitt A.E. 1998. New Zealand Soil Classification. 2”d edition. Landcare Research Science Series No.
1. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, Canterbury.
IUSS-ISRIC-FAO. 1998. World Reference Base for Soil Resources. World Soil Resources Reports 84.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil Taxonomy. A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and
Interpreting Soil Surveys. Second Edition. Agriculture Handbook 436. USDA-NRCS, Washington.
Stolbovoi V. 2000. Soils of Russia: Correlated with the Revised Legend of the FAO Soil Map of the
World and World Reference Base for Soil Resources. HASA, Laxenburg.