Fjölrit RALA - 15.06.2004, Page 83
N 19 - Tokaj-Tarcal: xeric (transition to ustic), dark coloured and high C content fit with
humic qualifier)
WRB: humic Umbrisols
US.ST: dystric Xerochrepts
RPF: Brunisol mésosaturé humique, éolico-colluvial sur andésite altérée.
Galyatetö - Mt. Mátra: umbric epipedon with transitive andic features in the top-epipedon,
but too shallow to be diagnostic. Ustic moisture regime.
WRB: humic Umbrisol, intergrade to humic andic Umbrisol
US.ST: dystric Ustochrepts
RPF: Brunisol mésosatmé humique, intergtade andique, éolico-colluvial/andésite altéiée.
Andomaktálya - near Eger: shallow dark epipedon at the limit for mollic - dark cambic
horizon with incipient vertic features (discret slickensides on pads surface near the
bottom) - lithic contact near 50 cm depth - xeric moisture regime.
WRB: endoleptic Phaeozems
US.ST: lithic Xerochrepts, rather than lithic Haploxerolls
RPF: Chemosol (Ach chemique) leptique, sur tuf rhyolitique
Tolcsva - near Sárospatak: Shallow dark eutric epipedon, cambic Bw and B/C horizons, lithic
contact below 50 cm or more xeric moisture regime.
WRB: endoleptic eutric Cambisols
US.ST: typic Xerochrepts
RPF: Bmnisol saturé leptique, sur ignimbrite rhyolitique
Magas Tax - Mt. Börzsöny: umbric, ustic moisture regime
WRB: Umbrisol
Table 1 Basic soil properties of the soils developed in volcanic material
Soil profik- Hoiróon Depth db clay Pret Alo+l/2Feo pHmo Humus
N17 Ahl 0-15 0.88 36 30 0.59 6.67 8.00
Tihany Ah2 15-35 0.87 32 36 0.65 7.41 3.00
AC 35-70 0.90 14 34 0.67 7.75 2.70
N18 Ahl 0-7 0.87 20 23 0.61 5.57 16.31
Badacsony Ah2 7-25 0.92 17 29 0.70 5.20 9.97
A+R 25-50 0.98 3.3 28 0.80 5.61 4.82
N19 Ahl 0-12 0.72 25 21 0.33 5.14 7.83
Tokaj Ah2 12-45 0.74 27 26 0.35 5.34 6.64
AW+R 45-60 1.2 28 15 0.26 5.80 2.33
Tolcsva Ah 0-12 1.0 14 12 0.11 6.49 4.48
ACl 15-25 1.0 24 23 0.10 6.20 0.98
AC2 25-55 nd 9.5 12 0.09 6.37 0.65
Magas Tax Ah 5-20 1.0 21 23 0.44 5.43 2.11
B1 20-40 1.0 11 30 0.44 5.78 0.54
B2 40-80 1.3 7.4 38 0.54 5.74 0.38
Galyatetö 0 0-10 nd 23 61 0.82 4.11 8.11
Ahl 10-20 0.66 5.2 39 0.78 5.04 6.87
Ah2 20-33 0.77 5.0 38 0.76 5.17 3.00
B1 33-44 nd 2.8 47 0.71 5.21 1.65
B2 44-58 nd 5.8 40 0.73 5.11 1.24
Bwl 58-70 0.9 13 30 0.60 5.15 0.69
Bw2 >70 nd 12 30 0.47 5.20 0.42
Andomaktálya Ah 0-25 í.i 18 17 0.17 6.29 1.88
AC 25-44 0.88 2.4 12 0.08 6.56 0.53
C >44 nd 0.1 12 0.04 6.65 0.21