Fjölrit RALA - 15.06.2004, Qupperneq 96

Fjölrit RALA - 15.06.2004, Qupperneq 96
can be defined as a function of weathering kinetics, the existence of adequate conditions for the stabilisation of intermediate, metaestable, products, and absence of vertical redistribution. Therefore, the allocation of the soils formed by this process as Andosols (or Andisols) is not only a consequence of fulfilling the conditions required by the classification systems but also because many of their properties are close to those of typical Andosols, particularly to ‘non- allophanic’ or ‘aluandic’ Andosols, dominated by Al(Fe)-humus complexes. Summary of the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the main weathering and soil forming processes that lead to the formation of non-volcanic Andosols (adapted from García-Rodeja & Macías, 1984 and Calvo & Macías, 1992)_________________________________________________________________________________ Aluminosiallitization Andosolization Monosiallitization (incipient) Monosiallitization Biogeochemical processes Geochemical processes Horizons A A, AB Bw,C B, C Parent materials Granites Schists Slates, Shales Intermediate & basic rocks Granites, Schists Shales, Slates Basic rocks Basic rocks Biotite-rich schists Mobility Si > Al, Fe Si > Al, Fe Si > Al, Fe Si >A1, Fe Weathering mechanism Acid complexolisis (moderate) Acid hydrolisis Acid hydrolisis Hydrolisis Acid hydrolisis Hydrolisis Weathering of primary minerals Moderate Incipient Moderate Total Evolution of2:l minerals Degradation, aluminization Degradation Degradation Destruction Colloidal components Al-humus, Allophane Halloysite A1 interlay. 2:1 phyll. Al(Fe)-humus Allophane, A1 gels, Halloysite Gibbsite Allophane, A1 gels Kaolinite Goethite Soil properties pH pH NaF %C %Alo AIrci (cmolc/kg) P ret. (mg/kg) 4.8 (4.0-5.5) 11.0 (8.9-11.6) 6 (3-16) 0.7 (0.3-2,2) 3.5 (1.4-6.6) 1100 (400-1900) 4.9 (4.5-5.8) 11.0(10.2-11.7) 9 (5-14) 2.6 (1.6-4.1) 2.1 (0.6-3.0) 2000 (1300-2800) 5.0 (4.4-5.9) 10.7 (8.0-11.5) 1 (0.1-2) 0.6 (0.2-1.6) 2.0 (0.7-3.2) 850 (200-1400) 5.2 (4.5-5.9) 9(8.0-10.1) 0.8 (0.3-1.3) 1.2 (0.3-2.5) 400 (200-600) References Baumler, R., and Zech, W. 1994. Characterization of Andisols developed from non volcanic material in eastem Nepal. Soil Science, 158:211-217. Caner, L., Bourgeon, G., Toutain, F., and Herbillon, A.J. 2000. Characteristics of non-allophanic Andisol derived from low activity regoliths in Nilgiri Hills (Southem India). European Joumal of Soil Science, 51:554- 563. Delvaux, B., Strebl, F., Maes, E., Herbillon, A.J., Brahy, V., and Gerzabek, M. 2004. An Andosol-Cambisol toposequence in the Austrian Bohemian Massif. Catena, 56:31-43. García-Rodeja, E. 1985. Sobre la clasificación de Andosoles y su existencia en materiales no volcánicos de Galicia (NO de Espaiia). An. Edaf. Agrob., 44: 1651-1661. García-Rodeja, E., and Macías, F. 1984. Caracterización de suelos ácidos (Podsoles-Andosoles-Suelos Alumínicos) de Galicia. Relación con los procesos edafo-geoquímicos. I Congreso Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo, 589-602. García-Rodeja, E.; Silva, B., and Macías, F. 1987. Andosols developed ffom non-volcanic materials in Galicia, NW Spain. Joumal of Soil Science, 38: 573-591. Macías, F., and Calvo, R. 1992. Caractérisation pédogéochimique des sols de la Galice (NW Espagne) en relation avec la diversification lithologique. Mise en évidence d'un milieu de transition entre les domaines tempérés et subtropicaux humides. C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t.315, Série II, p.1803-1810. Macías, F., Puga, M., and Guitián, F. 1978. Caracteres ándicos en suelos sobre gabros de Galicia. An. Edaf. Agrob., 37: 187-203. 75
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