Daily Bulletin

Daily Bulletin - 21.10.1940, Side 3

Daily Bulletin - 21.10.1940, Side 3
DAILY BULLETIN 3 search was virtually hopeless. We were drenched to the skin when we gave up and rejoined the convoy. Our detectors had not picked up a trace of the U- boat. We found twenty six survivors from the freighter, but five were missing and pre- sumed killed by the torpedo explosion. (To be concluded to-morrow). Greedy Spaniel “Bitten” Attacking Steak Bone. When a “bone” bites a dog, that’s news. At least Humane Officer Wilfred Goss of Fort Wayne, Indiana, thought so when he was called to the home of Loren Gilmore to rescue the family’s cocker spaniel. In its enthusiasm to attack a steak bone, the spaniel had thrust the whole lower jaw through a hole in the bone and it had caught behind the ani- mal’s teeth. After trying pliers, pincers, and a veterinarian to no avail, the officer took the be- wildered dog to a blacksmith shop, where the bone was removed. Canadian Rifle Regiment Knows No “Attention”. Moving of the British Colum- bia Regiment, Duke of Con- naught’s Own Rifles, from historic Beatty Street Armories to new wartime quarters out- side Vancouver has focused at- tention on some of the unusual customs of the unit. Officers of the regiment wear no lapel medals. They carry green and black whistle cords as a reminder of the uniforms of Englands’ famous old Rifle Brigade. The regiment has no flags, battle honors being re- corded on cap badges. The commands “slope arms” and “fix bayonets” are un- known to men of the British Columbia Regiment. They carry swords, and on command affix them to their long rifles. Nor will the men come to “atten- tion”. To get this stance, a B.C. regiment officer must command his men: “Stand to your front! Rifles!” Hollywood Film Shop. Cary Grant was about to take a bath for Frank Lloyd when a serious expression covered his face. “But they didn’t take baths in Colonial days,” said Grant. The shock of that blasphemy against the cleanliness of the Colonial fathers muted some 100 tongues. That many men and women had been working for hours preparing the bath scene for Frank Lloyd’s production of “The Howards of Virginia.” “I’ve heard rumors,” admitt- ed Lloyd, “that was the case. But we’ll check it.” He called loudly for a man named “Twitchell.” A grayhair- ed fellow came in the run. Twitchell’s business is hunting up trivia. He knows all that can be told of early American customs. “Well,” hedged Twitchell, as the question was put to him, “there’s no use bringing up old scandals, is there?” “Quit stalling,” said Lloyd. “Did they take baths?” “Wed,” said Twitched, “the boys used to head for the near- est river, look carefully to see that there were no ladies around and then dunked themselves al fresco style. I’d say they bathed every month or so, depending on the weather. “There is one encouraging thing,” Twitched said. “The English bathed less often. Some of them thought that excessive bathing — every month or so — was a mark of decadence.” “Maybe there isn’t any proof for bathing in a tub,” said Lloyd, “but Cary takes a bath in this picture, proof or no proof.” Twitched, after entertaining the cast with stories about Co- lonial days, gave one horrified look as Cary prepared to take his historically unauthenticated bath and hastened away to read more books to verify his judg- ment that bath tubs didn’t exist until after the Revolutionary War, although Grant was bath- ing in a wooden wash tub.


Daily Bulletin

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