Reykjavík Grapevine - des. 2020, Blaðsíða 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - des. 2020, Blaðsíða 30
CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED How 2 B Cool N Hot Questions & Answers: Megan Massey Got a burning question? In desperate need of advice? We at the Grapevine are here to help. How old is too old to be sleeping with a stuffed animal? If you can read this you’re too old. Boys like me so much they don’t want to date me. What should I do? Baby, I hate to say it, but it’s time for some tough love. There are two possible explanations for what’s going on here. Either you’re so hot that boys don’t wanna date you because they’re only interested in marrying you (in which case, my advice is to just choose a hottie and lock him down). However I highly, highly doubt this is the case. It’s more likely that you’re just a little bit…average. To combat this, you should try to make yourself more attractive and interesting. I could tutor you on how to be hotter but the classes are pretty pricey and I can just tell from the way you typed your ques- tion that you deffo can’t afford it. I can also tell that becoming more attrac- tive is going to be a difficult feat, so maybe just focus on becoming more interesting. You can do this by picking up an intimidating-yet-sexy hobby like archery. Honestly, I don’t have much advice for you because I’m actually very pretty and also a model so I’ve never experienced this myself. If I stay in the bath for long enough will I dissolve into a broth? It depends. If you’re a snacccccc then hell yeah—come on in, the water’s fine! If not, then you’ll turn into a weird smelly mess and probably also get sucked down the drain. Sorry to be the one to break it to you. Stay Strong. For advice, send your quandaries to Finally! Trees in Reykjavík! shop.gra shop.gra shop.gra shop.gra * shop.gra pevine.isshop.gra Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once 30 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10— 2020 HORROR!SCOPES Bin!ein! Every Vanessa Hud!ens Christmas Movie Ever Words: Two S"gitt"rii & An Aries All hail “The Knight Before Christ- mas.” We are not worthy. Aries Aries, we respect the hustle you’ve put into perfecting “Into The Unknown” for your annual family Christmas karaoke. Un- fortunately, due to a bad run-in with 40 years of smoking, your grandma has been deemed high- risk and karaoke is cancelled. But don’t panic Aries, there’s just no way you could ever belt it out like Idina and rock that riff like Au- rora. Pathetic. Taurus I bet a quasi-pagan like you is awaiting Yuletide whilst lament- ing Christmas consumerism, but maybe it’s time to admit that if you can’t beat them, you might as well join them. You secretly love 'The Polar Express' and you know what? That’s okay. The hot chocolate scene is pretty lit, and if you’re honest with your- self you’d rather watch that than 'The Nightmare Before Christ- mas' (which you’ve been playing on repeat since Halloween in an attempt to uphold your witchy aesthetic). Gemini You’re not special for not liking Christmas, Gemini. You’ve an- nounced this every year to seem edgy and every year no one has cared. Unlike Emma Roberts in Holidate, no one is going to fall in love with you because of your pick-me girl Grinch vibes. Cancer Hanukkah HELP!: What can you, a shiksa goddess, do to turn from a Macca-don’t to the star of all eight nights? It’s easy, just use your Goy-YUM charm to marry a nice Jewish boy like Joseph Gor- don-Levitt or Seth Cohen. Mazel Tov and welcome to the family. *squeezes cheeks* Leo Yes Leo, you were right. Despite what your bitchy roommate says, you ARE Cameron Diaz in The Holiday. And despite what those bitchy Hollywood bigwigs say, you WOULD kiss Jude Law. Virgo The stars have something very special in mind for you, Virgo. They wouldn’t tell us what, but we’re pretty sure it involves buy- ing a one-way ticket to a generic yet quaint European country with a monarchical system and somehow getting in the way of a certain prince or princess. Get ready for your emotional barriers to be broken down and to learn something poignant about the true meaning of Christmas. Be- cause you’re worth it. Libra The best way to get in touch with your inner Gr!la is to blast Ari- ana Grande’s “Greedy”. Scorpio Scorpio, just because you can sell your hometown to a mall devel- oper doesn’t mean you should. Get ready to be visited by Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. It’s about time we saw some character development. Sagittarius For a born and bred Sagittarius like yourself, the holidays are merely an excuse to drink, eat treats and reconnect with child- hood flames. This year is no dif- ferent, except your alcohol toler- ance is off-the-roof, you’ve eaten way too many sweets to care and your childhood flame is current- ly in quarantine. Blast. Capricorn Realising that you’ve already put a lot of energy into organising Christmas festivities—you even got your lights up before your neighbours!—treat yourself by getting plastered at the family dinner and calling out your racist relatives. In front of their kids. Aquarius It’s that time of year again: time to remind everyone, both in per- son and across social media plat- forms, that Christmas actually has pagan roots and is derived from the Roman holiday of Sat- urnalia. We assure you, people are very grateful for this remind- er and do not at all roll their eyes every single year when you bring this up. Pisces Too scared to tell your fam- ily that you stopped celebrating Christmas years ago, you will once again buy a round of gifts for your relatives, send thank- you cards and dutifully report for family dinner in the most hid- eous Christmas sweater you can find. You can always tell them next year, right?


Reykjavík Grapevine

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