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Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.2015, Blaðsíða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.2015, Blaðsíða 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • May 1 2015 VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.LH-INC.CA “It’s May! It’s May! The lusty month of May! That lovely month when everyone goes Blissfully astray. It’s here! It’s here! That shocking time of year When tons of wicked little thoughts Merrily appear!” – Alan Jay Lerner There’s something about the arrival of May that makes those of us in the northern hemisphere want to sing and dance and frolic about. Although astronomers reckon the March equinox as the beginning of spring, and Icelanders mark the first day of the ancient month called Harpa, which arrives on the Thursday falling from April 19 to 25, as Sumardagurinn fyrsti (the First Day of Summer), my heart skips a beat each year with the arrival of May. Early in the morning on May 1st, I like to watch and listen to Vanessa Redgrave singing “the lusty month of May” in her role as Guenevere in the film version of Camelot. And I croon along with her – one time, two times, three times – while the seasonal lust rises in me like the sap of the maple trees. While others may muse about their inner child, this is the day I discover my inner pagan. This is the day when I most deeply feel a kind of mystical connection to the earth. It is a day of hope and anticipation as new life brims all around me. Like other countries around the world, May Day is celebrated in Iceland as International Labour Day, where it is both a public holiday and an official flag day. Since 1923, the country’s unions have marked the occasion with solidarity marches, the first one having wended its way down Laugavegur and Bergstaðastræti in Reykjavík with such diverse banners as “Ban all alcohol,” “Throw incompetents out of office,” and “No night work! Adequate day work!”* Last year, I had the good fortune to be in Reykjavík on May Day, so I joined in the parade and listened to the speeches and the music – not that I understood much, but I was at least able to feel the spirit of the occasion. The hunger for social justice and material well-being can be at least as strong as life’s other passions. Among the many activities going on, I was both startled and amused to see what must have been almost every motorcycle in the country roar down Laugavegur in thundering solidarity. And unlike 1923, there was beer. Still, it is May Day’s role as the true gateway to spring and the harbinger of the earth’s greening that I find most compelling. Having reached an age where every reminder that I’m still capable of passion – let’s call it lust! – is somehow reassuring, it’s sweet to know that that I’m still able to sing with the birds and the troubadours at the prospect of another summer upon this dear and pleasant earth. For those of us in northern climes, the greening of the earth is upon us and the promise of spring is being fulfilled. May we all enjoy a lust for life – not only in May, but throughout the year – and should we happen to go astray through shocking behaviours and wicked little thoughts at this threshold to summer, may this lovely month nonetheless prove to be blissful and merry. * Source: Árni Björnsson, High Days and Holidays in Iceland (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 1995). The lusty month of May Lögberg- Heimskringla Published 24 times a year by Lögberg-Heimskringla, Incorporated Heimskringla stofnað 9. september 1886 Lögberg stofnað 14. janúar 1888 Sameinuð 1959 508-283 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B5 Phone: (204) 284-5686 Toll free: 1-866-564-2374 Fax: (204) 284-7099 www.lh-inc.ca lh@lh-inc.ca Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER Audrey Juve Kwasnica (204) 927-5645 • audrey@lh-inc.ca EDITOR Stefan Jonasson stefan@lh-inc.ca PRODUCTION MANAGER / LAYOUT and DESIGN EDITOR Catherine McConnell (204) 927-5644 • catherine@lh-inc.ca ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE / PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Jodi Dunlop (204) 927-5643 • jodi@lh-inc.ca VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Linda Hammersley and Alicyn Goodman PRINTING: The Winnipeg Sun Commercial Print Division PM No. 40012014 The L-H gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage L-H gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Government of Iceland. Please return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 508-283 Portage Ave., Wpg, MB R3B 2B5 Archived issues spanning 1886-2005 may be viewed at www.timarit.is SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBSCRIPTION: 24 issues/year Canada: $60 USA: $60 US International: $70 US L-H online is free to all print subscribers Online only: $45 CAD, payable in advance DONATIONS All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax-deductible under Canadian laws Charitable Reg. # 10337 3635 RR001 Business # 10337 3635 RT 0001 FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS First 200 words and a picture are free of charge over 200 and pic $25.00 300 words and pic $50.00 400 words and pic $75.00 500 words and pic $100.00 750 word maximum and pic $150.00 Send to catherine@lh-inc.ca BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: J. Peter Johnson PAST PRESIDENT: Grant Stefanson TREASURER: Dan Snidal SECRETARY: Alicyn Goodman BOARD MEMBERS Shawn Bjornsson Claire Eckley Bruce Eyford Elva Jónasson Margaret Kernested Garry Oddleifson Erna Pomrenke Robbie Rousseau Oskar Sigvaldason Helgi Gunnar Thorvaldson Brian Tomasson Canada Karen Botting Winnipeg MB Joel Friðfinnsson Geysir MB Margret Grisdale Calgary AB Stuart Houston Saskatoon SK Signý McInnis Arborg MB Paul Park Ottawa ON USA Shirley J. Olgeirson Bismarck ND Rob Olason Bellingham WA Steingrimur Steinolfson Bloomington MN Julie Summers Portland OR ICELAND Kent Björnsson Garðabær Ísland ASSOCIATE EDITORS Stefan's Saga Stefan Jonasson Editor L-H DEADLINES EDITORIAL SUBMISSION DEADLINES FOR MAY 15, ISSUE 10 Monday, April 20 FINAL EDITORIAL DEADLINE – BREAKING NEWS ONLY Monday, May 4 Please advise the editor in advance if you are sending a submission for the final deadline FINAL ADVERTISING DEADLINE Monday, May 4 EDITORIAL SUBMISSION DEADLINES FOR JUNE1, ISSUE 11 Monday, May 4 FINAL EDITORIAL DEADLINE – BREAKING NEWS ONLY Tuesday, May 19 Please advise the editor in advance if you are sending a submission for the final deadline FINAL ADVERTISING DEADLINE Tuesday, May 19 Visit our website for more information or contact our INL office.Tel: 204-642-5897 Email: inl@mts.net If you don’t have a club in your area but are interested in forming one, please call the INL office. Wouldn’t your amma and afi be proud? www.inlofna.org Are you proud of your Icelandic Heritage? Do you want to see it preserved for your children and grandchildren? Are you a member of your local Icelandic Club? Don’t know where they are or who to contact? o o o The IcelandIc naTIonal league of norTh amerIca ouldn’t your a a and afi be proud? Icelandic Camp 2015 Íslenskar Sumarbúðir 2015 For over 30 years the Icelandic Camp has given young people a chance to study Icelandic language, learn about the Icelandic Culture, sing Icelandic songs and create friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Just 2 miles north of Gimli, Manitoba, Canada – Camp Veselka overlooks lovely Lake Winnipeg. With a huge recreation room, dining area, 6 cabins, indoor showers and huge open fields, Camp Veselka offers a wonderful place for Icelandic campers to gather. WHEN Friday, July 24th - Friday, July 31st WHERE Camp Veselka, Gimli MB DAY CAMPERS Ages 5-8 FULL CAMPERS Ages 8-15 JR. COUNSELLORS Ages 15-17 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT www.icelandiccamp.com or icelandiccamp@gmail.com Icelandic Language Classes I Saga Stories I Icelandic Culture & History I Arts & Crafts I Icelandic Music I Much More Interlake Auto & Tractor Parts Ltd. CARS TRUCKS FARM EQUIPMENT SNOWMOBILE PARTS & ACCESSORIES AGRICULTURAL BEARINGS BELTS FILTERS SPROCKETS MACHINE SHOP REBUILT ENGINES CUSTOM MADE HYDRAULIC HOSES 161 SUNSET BLVD. ARBORG, MB 376-2667 BRUCE SIGURDSON, OWNER Greetings from Gordon J. Reykdal Honorary Consul of the Republic of Iceland Suite #205 10230 142 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 3Y6 Cell: 780.497.1480 E-mail: gjreykdal@gmail.com PHOTOS: STEFAN JONASSON



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