Rit Mógilsár - 2013, Page 14

Rit Mógilsár - 2013, Page 14
 14 Rit Mógilsár 28/2012 Jón Ágúst Jónsson (2007). Áhrif skógræktar- aðgerða á viðarvöxt og flæði kolefnis í asparskógi. MSc ritgerð. Lífræðiskor Raunvísindadeildar, Háskóli Íslands Maí 2007, 84 bls. Lárus Heiðarsson (1998). Boniteringskurvor för Lärk (Larix Sukaczewii) på Hallormsstaður Island. BSc ritgerð. Naturbruksinstitutet, Ekenäsenheten 1998, 44 bls. Lárus Heiðarsson (2011). Ræktunaráætlun fyrir Ormsstaði í Breiðdal, Skógrækt ríkisins desember 2011, 10 bls. Lárus Heiðarsson and Timo Pukkala (2012). Models for simulating the temporal development of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) plantations in Hallormsstaður Iceland, Icelandic Agricultural Sciences, 25, 13-23. Matthias Hunziker (2011). A study on above- and belowground biomass and carbon stocks as well as sequestration of mountain birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) along a chronosequence in southern Iceland. MSc. Thesis. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel January 2011, 65 bls. Mervi Juntunen (2010). Modelling Tree and Stand Characteristics of Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) Plantations in Iceland. MSc. Thesis. Faculty of Science and Forestry, University of Eastern Finland 2010, 68 bls. Pesonen, A., K. Eerikainen, M. Maltamo and T. Tahvanainen (2009). Models for predicting tree and stand development in larch plantations in Hallormsstaður, Iceland, New Forests, 37, 63-83. Rúnar Ísleifsson (2011a). Drög að ræktunar- áætlun fyrir Skarfanes í Landsveit, Skógrækt ríkisins desember 2011, 13 bls. Rúnar Ísleifsson (2011b). Ræktunaráætlun fyrir Belgsá í Fnjóskadal, Skógrækt ríkisins desember 2011, 8 bls. Rúnar Ísleifsson (2011c). Ræktunaráætlun fyrir Laxaborg í Haukadal í Dölum, Skógrækt ríkisins desember 2011, 9 bls.


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