Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.06.2022, Side 33

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.06.2022, Side 33
33 Th e R ey kj av ík G ra pe vi ne Be st o f R ey kj av ík 20 22 Tónastöðin Skipholt 50d, 105 Reykjavík Tónastöðin is the Reykjavík music shop that knows how to rock, but also knows which end of a cor an- glais to blow into. This smart and expansive store houses a huge range of instrument types; several double basses sit on stands just begging to be played, and saxo- phones on the wall seduce you away from the more standard gui- tar and piano offerings. Tónas- töðin also deals in sheet music and—like Hljóðfærahúsið—has recognised and embraced the bur- geoning market in podcast produc- tion gear. There is a fantastic per- cussion room with a huge selection of fun stuff, including a sea drum which hospitable shop owner An- drés Helgason can coax into sound- ing exactly like the Atlantic surf rolling up an Icelandic pebble beach. I tried out: one of the double basses. Easy! It's like a fretless bass guitar, just held the other way up. Erm... right? Sangitamiya Grettisgata 7, 101 Reykjavík This cosy little store, nestling in a corner house downtown, extends a truly global reach to gather its collection of instruments. The re- sult is a multicultural mélange of acoustic musical objects, united by shop owner Eymundur Matthi- asson's belief that music is a pow- erful way to bring peace and joy into lives. The Sangitamiya stock- list is dizzying; from the simple and familiar, such as castanets, to obscurities such as the Mongolian morin-khuur. But what they don't stock are the standard electrical instruments prevalent in the other three shops on this list, a policy which Sangitamiya uses to distin- guish itself. I tried out: a kalimba, or thumb pia- no. You've got to be pretty determined to make one of those sound unmusi- cal. But I did try. Hljóðfærahúsið Síðumúli 20, 108 Reykjavík This spacious showroom is proba- bly the biggest instrument shop in the city, and can trace its roots back over a hundred years. Hl- jóðfærahúsið, (a terrifying Icelan- dic word at first sight, but it trans- lates simply as "The Musical Instrument House''), is a consoli- dation of various historic instru- ment, sound and stage lighting businesses. Consequently it boasts a huge diversity of equipment— from stage smoke machines to pianos—including audio gear for podcasts, a growth area during the pandemic. Manager Jón Kjartan Ingólfsson and his staff are happy to help you find what you need, or just to chat about music. I tried out: a MusicMan Stingray— God's own bass guitar, and no debate. It growls like a horny tiger. HljóðX Rín Grensásvegur 12, 108 Reykjavík HljóðX Rín came about in 2011 when PA hire company HljóðX took over instrument shop Rín, and the current shop reflects that heritage by carrying a decent mix of rock 'n' roll instruments, amplifiers and general audio gear. Music shops often serve as social hubs for local musicians, a role recently made more important when the pan- demic limited opportunities to meet up at gigs. During a chat over coffee at the shop counter with manager Ingvar Valgeirsson, I got a sense of that community as pass- ing musicians dropped into HljóðX Rín to say hi. I tried out: a beautiful Dimavery MM- 501 fretless bass. But where do you put your damn fingers when there are no metal bits to help you cheat? SHOPPING GUIDE No Stairway To Heaven Jamming with the city's best musical instrument shops Words: John Pearson Photo: Christine Wehrmeier The heart of Reykjavík has a musical beat. In a city teeming with venues and gigs, pretty much anyone you meet who is remotely interesting will be in a band or three. But if you want to be next in the long line of mem- bers of GusGus, you're going to need to know where to buy your kazoo. I dropped into four noteworthy music shops to sample their wares, and catch their vibe...* Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once


Reykjavík Grapevine

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