Reykjavík Grapevine - des. 2021, Blaðsíða 2

Reykjavík Grapevine - des. 2021, Blaðsíða 2
First 11: Hekla's Sonicscape 06: New Government 07: Eir—Goddess And SuperNurse 12: Eivör's Global Roots 15: Au!ur's Perfect Day 20: Gu!n"'s Unsettling World Christmas is coming. And that means one thing. Stress. Mental breakdowns. Sweaty frustration at the mall. Even a silent scream with a single tear sliding down your cheek when you feel like you just can’t go on. And don’t forget COVID-19! The Omicron is looming, just waiting to morph us all into bloodthirsty zombies. Or at least fucking up our Christmas get-togethers. The saddest thing is the inevitability of all of the above. There is no way to avoid the madness, but there are a few ways to deal with it. First, we just need to accept that this year, once again, Christmas is going to be weird, and possibly even sadder than the last one. Perhaps this year, we should just repeat Nikos Kazantzakis' famous quote: “I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.” Hey, there’s a reason the guy won a Nobel Prize. Perhaps it’s time to ponder, sit down and consider. Is there something else you would like to work at? Perhaps write a book? Perhaps an article? How about travelling to that place you’ve been talking about for so long? What do you have to lose? Well, there is always something. But if there are no stakes, it’s probably not worth your time to worry. We at The Reykjavík Grapevine have been living by Kazant- zakis' motto for years, and we have realised that in extreme circumstances there can only be new paths. And although not all of them work, some do. And you might just enjoy the journey. So, we want to thank you all for your incredible support in this truly mad year, which will be remembered as the year nobody really remembers. Because nothing happened, and yet everything happened. You all have been wonderful. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Valur Grettisson Editor-in-chief 26: Voices Of Pólífónía 28: Top Chef Book 31: South Iceland Power Trip COVER ART: Photo: Art Bicnick Art director: Sveinbjörn Pálsson Rockers Skrattar strike a santa pose before trying to party harder than Reetta Huhta, our Finnish reporter. (Spoiler alert: they failed.) EDITORIAL A Mad Year John Pearson, the Grapevine's culture editor, is a Reykjavík resident with profes- sional backgrounds in live music events, broadcasting, scuba diving, journalism, en- gineering and under- water photography. We suspect that he just likes to collect job titles. He is a big fan of puns, alliteration and lists that have three things in them. Art Bicnick, the Grapevine's video magician and pho- tographer, is himself unphotographable. This is due to the fact that he consists mainly of stardust; a handy characteristic that enables him to float smoothly across rocky volcanic ter- rain, and through apparently solid objects. Poll! is a hard-work- ing journalist by day and an enthusiastic ball-catcher by night. A five-year-old dachshund mix with an IQ of a five-year- old human, Poll! is Chief Morale O"cer at the Grapevine, and a regular contribu- tor to the Grapevine Newscast on You- Tube. Woof! Josie Gaitens, journal- ist and YouTube Content Coordinator, is also an arts worker, musician and writer from the Scottish Highlands. She was once erroneously referred to as the Queen of Scotland by a Malaysian news- paper and has been falsely using that title ever since. Catharine Fulton is a writer who has been involved with the Grapevine for many years—possibly too many—serving as journalist, food edi- tor and news editor before settling on copy editor. When not wielding her red pen she's o#en found opining on Canadian politics (profession- ally), and bitching about Icelandic politics (for fun). Shuruthi Basappa is one of Iceland's most knowledgeable food- ies. She's covered local restaurants for years and has also been involved in vari- ous food competi- tions in Iceland, such as Food & Fun and more. By day, she works as an architect at Sei Studio. Andie Sophia Fontaine has lived in Iceland since 1999 and has been reporting since 2003. They were the first foreign-born member of the Icelandic Parliament, an experience they recommend for anyone who wants to experience a workplace where colleagues work tire- lessly to undermine each other. Reetta Huhta is a Finnish student who moved to Iceland to become an au pair, and decided to never fully leave the country. She aspires to become a journalist, and what would be a better place to start than Grapevine? You can probably spot her at Ka" Vest, where she spends most of her free time. Valur Grettisson is an award-winning journalist, author and playwright. He has been writing for Icelandic media since 2005. He was also a theatre critic and one of the hosts of the cultural program, 'Djöflaeyjan' on RÚV. Valur is not to be confused with the dreadful football club that bears the same name.* Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once


Reykjavík Grapevine

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