Reykjavík Grapevine - dec 2021, Qupperneq 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - dec 2021, Qupperneq 18
Íslands In A Stream Live From Reykjavík !ives Icelandic artists a !lobal platform Words: John Pearson Photo: Yael Bar Cohen Live From Reykjavík—Iceland’s newest live music event—had its second annual outing last month. It’s a hybrid affair: a live stream to bring the music to an internation- al audience, with a few hundred people present at the event’s four venues to bring an intimate vibe. The festival presented 16 of Iceland’s best musical acts, and highlights of the stream are still available to watch. But to give you a flavour of the event, we’ve sharp- ened our focus on four sets by emerging artists—spanning jazz, folk, bouncy house and agitprop- pop—which we know you’ll love. Laufey Laufey Lin really came into her own during lockdown. The clas- sically trained multi-instrumen- talist made good use of her time at home, creating a healthy YouTube fanbase by posting simple clips of her singing and playing cello, piano and guitar. This is Laufey ’s f irst ever hometown gig, and the location of Fríkirkjan—a serene old Lutheran church by Reykjavík’s duck pond— is poignant for her, as it’s where she used to perform classical mu- sic as a youngster. Tonight how- ever she’s left her cello at home, and after kicking off with a couple of tunes at the grand piano, she moves centre-stage to coax warm diminished chords from her lovely red Gibson guitar. Buoyed by the rich reverb of the church space, Laufey’s mellifluous voice sits perfectly in the tradi- tional groove created by the likes of Billie Holiday. Her lyrical top- ics—often reflecting lost loves and longing, which belie her youth— are exemplified in set highlight “Dear Soulmate”, a song already written for the perfect partner she has yet to meet. But we’re pretty sure we’ve just found our ideal jazz artist for the 2020s. Árn! Margrét Taking the church stage before Laufey—but coming from folksy rather than jazzy roots—is Árn! Margrét, a 20-year-old singer- songwriter from the Westfjords. Since taking up the guitar six years ago she has been honing her craft, quietly producing increasingly ac- complished musical creations. Árn! appears diminutive on stage, performing alone beneath an imposing portrait of Christ, (an unavoidable feature of the stage set in Fríkirkjan). But Árn! prepared for this—her biggest show yet—by making it her fifth gig in four days, and she remains unintimidated. Exuding a quiet confidence she delivers a flawless finger-picked guitar performance, accompanied by a voice somehow reminiscent of Jeff Buckley. “Cold Aired Breeze”, an ode to the raw natural charms of her Ísafjördur home, is a defi- nite set highlight. Wonderful gen- tle folk, in every sense. Inspector Spacetime Across town from the church, in the black-walled rock ‘n’ roll venue of Gaukurinn, three young MCs bound onstage with more energy than Iceland’s entire geothermal power system. Inspector Spacetime raise a buzz despite the room not being packed; COVID restrictions still dictate audience sizes. But the sparse crowd soon follow the trio’s example, and bounce so hard that the TV cameras capturing the ac- tion jump in sympathy. However, Inspector Spacetime are more than mere youthful en- thusiasm. Set highlight “Dansa Og Bánsa”, (which translates, unsur- prisingly, as “Dance And Bounce”), is equalled in accomplishment by the more subtle “Hitta Mig”—a track that draws on two-step, a form of UK garage which had come and gone before any of Inspector Spacetime were born. These musi- cal waters run deeper than might appear. BSÍ Julius and Silla—who comprise pop-punk powerhouse BSÍ—create challenging, vital, vibrant music that wears its heart permanently on its sleeve. The title of their al- bum, ‘Sometimes Depressed… But Always Antifascist’, openly reflects the band’s self-doubt, while em- phasising their vehemence about their principles. And their show at Gaukurinn is truly in the DIY spirit of punk. Julius plays bass, but also uses his feet to control floor-mounted samplers and keys—performing in his socks to remain nimble- of-toe throughout the show. Silla sings while she drums; or screams, whichever is most appropriate to the moment. Their set highlight has to be the surf-soaked “Vesturbæjar Beach”, delivered tight, bright and jangly. But standout moments also ar- rive in the shape of “Boo On You”, where BSÍ make a stand against the deportation of refugees from Iceland. And then there’s Silla’s re- action to the somewhat shambolic run-through of an as-yet untitled new song. “Needs a little practice still. Oh well!” she shrugs. What’s not to love about BSÍ? Info: “You can catch highlights of these Live From Reykjavík perfor- mances—and exclusive artist inter- views—on the Reykjavík Grapevine’s YouTube channel.” 18The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12— 2021 8.990 kr. Taste the best of Iceland ICELANDIC GOURMET FEAST Starts with a shot of the infamous Icelandic spirit Brennívín Followed by 7 delicious tapas • Smoked puffin with blueberry “brennivín” sauce • Icelandic Arctic Charr with peppers-salsa • Lobster tails baked in garlic • Pan-fried line caught blue ling with lobster sauce • Icelandic lamb with beer-butterscotch sauce • Minke Whale with cranberry & malt sauce And for dessert • White chocolate "Skyr" mousse with passion coulis Book your table TAPASBARINN Vesturgata 3B | Tel: 551 2344 | Share this + Archives Music


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