Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1971, Qupperneq 75

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1971, Qupperneq 75
CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF ICELAND 75 structural interpretation. Possibly the poor arrivals on this profile may be related to the structural change occurring between the westem and the eastern part of southem Iceland. The offshore profiles were all arranged in such a way that the re- cording station was kept in a fixed position on the shore, while charges were exploded from a ship at various distances along the line. This arrangement proved fairly efficient and much smaller explosive charges were needed than on the land profiles (cf. Fig. 4). The two profiles L1 and L2 in Faxaflói mn from a common end point on the shore close to Akrar. L1 mns west parallel to the Snae- fellsnes peninsula to a distance of 100.54 km, and L2 runs to the SSW terminating just west of the Reykjanes peninsula at a distance of 90.31 km. As it was difficult to get close to the shore on Mýrar be- cause of shallow water depth, no particular emphasis was placed on obtaining data at short distances, less than about 6-7 km. It appears, however, that layer 1 is very thin here, and also that the delay time and depth to layer 3 are relatively small. The delay times for the P3-waves on these and the other offshore profiles are shown in Fig. 27. The delay time of the P3-wave near the land station of profiles L1 and L2 appears to be about 0.34 sec. With a probable vertical velocity distribution this gives a depth of about 2.3 km to layer 3. The P3-wave delay time increases by about 0.10 sec on both profiles farther out, on profile L1 at a distance of 25—30 km and on profile L2 at a distance of 18—20 km. This presumably indicates the termina- tion of the structure causing the relatively low delay time at the re- cording station of these profiles. Both profiles then show a slight in- crease in delay time at distances of 40-50 km but decreasing again farther out. The major P3-wave delay time anomalies on these pro- files appear to be in the vicinity of the end station on land. Beyond a distance of about 55 km on profile L2 the P4-wave is observed as a first arrival. The total delay time of this wave is shown in Fig. 28, and also of the first arrival on L1 beyond a distance of about 50 km. The delay time of the P4-wave along the first half of these profiles appears to be about 0.82 sec on the average. Using the existing information on layers 1 and 2 and the assumption of true P-velocity in layer 4 of 7.2 km/sec, this gives a depth of 8.8 km to layer 4. On profile L2 the P4-wave delay time is slightly increasing at larger distances which may mean increased depth to layer 4 by 1-2 km. The increase could also be due to a change in the velocity
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Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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