Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1975, Side 58
the main species, but some are eutroph-mesotrophic. Besides the
character species of the sociations the following are most common
in a C. rostrata flói, Equisetum fluviatile, Menyanthes trifoliata
and Polygonum viviparum. Among those Equisetum fluviatile has
been insignificant in the other flói associations with the exception
of scattered occurrences in the C. Lyngbyei flói. Then there are
Salix glauca, Equisetum palustre and Comarum palustre, which are
fairly common, and occasionally Vaccinium uliginosum is quite
conspicuous. The C. rostrata flói seems to be quite related to hrun-
moserik flaskestarrmyr in Sikilsdal (Nordhagen, 1943, pp. 500-
504). Most of the phanerogams are the same, but nothing will be
stated about the mosses here. It is certain, however, that Dre-
panocladus is present there. The relationship of the C. rostrata as-
sociation to the C. nigra mýri seems to be similar to that in Nor-
way, i.e. in the sense that it grows in wetter areas and closer to the
centre of the mire tract.
24. Carex rostrata — C. rariflora sociation
(Tab. VI A-B 1 and Tab. VIx A-B 3-5)
Observations are available here from Ánastaðir in Vatnsnes
VI. 1 and from Glámsflói in Snæfellsnes VIx. 3-5. I have also
obsenæd the same sociation in Melrakkaslétta (Std. 1936). The
sociation occurs in many parts of the country, especially in the
wetter areas of the C. rostrata flói. The number of species varies
considerably. Apart from the character species E. angustifolium,
Carex nigra and Polygonum vivipanun are most conspicuous, but
some other species of the Eriophorum flói occur there, which clear-
ly indicates the inter-relationship of these associations. Ch percen-
tage is unusually high and HH also, in which instance C. rostrata
is a contributing factor.
Nothing needs to be stated with respect to the local topography
beyond the general statements about the C. rostrata flói, but it
should be noted, however, that analysis VI. 1 is made at an altitude
of 200 metres above sea level.