Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1975, Page 90
this area, but it has long ago ceased to he subject to river floods.
The land is knolly and slopes only gently. The sociation altemates
with drier areas covered with border (jaðar) vegetation. Here one
gets the clearest indication as to what happens at varying levels
of ground water. Wherever the land rises slightly it becomes cov-
ered by Juncus balticus and gramineous plants, Carices become
scarce or disappear altogether.
Analysis 16 is from Framnes in Holt. The ground is more knolly
than average. The area is unique in the ahundance of herbaceous
plants, particularly Filipendula ulmaria. The sociation is widely
distributed in these parts.
Analyses Xx. 8-10 are from Holt. There the sociation is exten-
sive and similar conditions prevail; that is, the mire is rather wet,
even approximating flói in places. The knolls are small, but dense,
moss is abundant in most places, sometimes Sphagnum. Between
the knolls there are mudpits which favour C. Lyngbyei. In most
places the knolls differ from the depressions with respect to vege-
tation, so that E. palustre tends to be found on the knolls, where
all the other plants grow as well, although the latter are more
dense in the depressions. C. nigra is dominant in covering every-
Analvsis Xx. 11 is from Holtsmúli in Land. This is the driest
area which is indicated by an increased Ch percentage. Vaccinium
uliginosum is most noticeable here, both in physiognomy and cover-
Analysis Xx. 12 is made on an old irrigation strip at Hvoll in
Mýrdalur. The land is even and the vegetation is rather sparse as
is often the case on land that has been subject to irrigation. More
moss is found here than in the other analyses.
Analysis Xx. 13 is from Bakkabæir in Landeyjar. It is in many
respects similar to the border of flæðimýri.
Analyses Xx. 14-15 are the only ones which are not made in
the south of Iceland. 14 is from Hóll on the Snæfellsnes peninsula,
but 15 from Bær in Borgarfjörður. These do not call for any spe-
cific comment, apart from the fact that the land is very wet, close-
ly resembling flói and as a result of this the HH percentage is very
high. I have not been able to find anything corresponding to
Scandinavian sociations.