Nissen News

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Page 18

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Page 18
10 NISSEN NEWS Let Auntie Fanhy Help You! Aunty Fanny is a woman of the world. She has been places and she knows all the answers. If you have a load on your mind, write to Aunty, and she’ll lift it if she has to use a crowbar. All letters should be addressed to “Aunty Fanny”, c/o The Editor —• and, oh boy, d o e s he take care of her! ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS: “Arnold” — No, dearie, you needn’t worry any longer. She’d have let you know by now — you bet. “Uncle” — The suggestion you make in your letter is most improper. I’m not that kind of an Aunty. “Jealous” — The car which calls at the canteen is for the purpose of bring- ing cakes only. The girl is only the driver. “Helga” — I’m sorry, my dear, but I can not help you now. I warned you what soldiers were like, didn’t I? “Wilf” — The name you are enquiring about is that given to an Indian poten- tate. He usually rides on an elephant — the bigger of the two is the ele- phant. “Destry” — So the Sergeants aren’t re- plying to your letters? That’s too bad, honey. Can’t you try pinning some- thing on them? “R.A.S.C.” — It’s very nice of you to offer me a sack of potatoes, but the price you ask is too much for any woman lo pay. The Stars Foretell by Deadwood Window. There is a possibility, if I am not mis- taken, that both the Germans and the Russians are going to suffer setbacks in the next year or so. From my reading of planetary movements it also seems pretty clear that the conflict on the East- ern front will not end before next Sunday. It will be remembered that I was able to announce recently that more bombs would be dropped by both sides shortly. This, as recent events have shown, was a safe het — sorry, an accurate forecast. If my charts are to be relied upon, still more bombs may be dropped before this struggle reaches its climax. The ascent of Uranus into the orbit of Saturn came at a time when Hitler is either likely to achieve his object or be defeated in his object. The pres- ent configuration seems to indicate that the mad dog of Berlin will suffer still more reverses. However, the ascent of Neptune into this already overcrowded circle, suggests that we may expect more German successes. Another well-known personality will probably die shortly. He (or she) is well- known in at least one country. His (or her) death will come as a great shock to certain people (Probably his credit- ors — Ed.). Around Tobruk our patrols will again be active. Our fighters will make another daylight sweep over Northern France. Christmas Day will fall on December 25th. PLAN WITH THE PLANETS. Is Today Your Birthday? It is? Many happy returns of the day! W.


Nissen News

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