The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Qupperneq 7

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Qupperneq 7
PREFACE A s a member of the Czechoslovak Expedition of Natural Science to xVlceland in the years 1936 and 1937, I had the opportunity to study the Vegetation and the Flora of Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Ice- land. My work in the field lasted for about five months; I have visited most of the valleys and hills of this vast territory. The extensiveness of the work has of course its drawbacks — I was not able to collect sufficient material of the Genera Taraxacum and Hieracium. During my work in the field I received much valuable information from my friend, Dr. Mirko Kuthan, volcanologist, who made the geological survey of the Reykjanes Peninsula. Most excursions in this difficult terrain were made together with him, and during long spells of rainy and foggy weather we discussed in our tent most of the problems of geography and geology of Iceland and especially of our working area. To my Danish friend, Mag. Johs. Gröntved, I am indebted for much information and for botanical literature about Iceland. I am grateful to my many Icelandic friends for their outstanding hospitality and valuable and friendly help during my travels in the coastal region of the Peninsula. During the years I have spent in Iceland I have come to love its rough and apparently inhospitable nature, its keen and warm-hearted people, and I hope that they will take this study as an attempt to contribute, in however a small degree, to the solution of the many problems given them by the flora of their country. Finally I wish to express my respectful thanks to the Trustees of the Carlsberg Foundation for granting the financial aid necessary for the publication of this treatise. Prague 1. V. 1947.
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The Botany of Iceland

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