The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 14

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 14
12 EMIL HADAC sula bogs are: Heleocharetum palustris, Eriophoretum Scheuchzeri, Eriophoretum angustifolii, Cariceto-Comaretum, Menyantho-Drepano- cladetum revolventis; the driest of them, the Empetreto-Caricetum fuscae, represents a transition to the heath communities (cf. Hadac 1939)- Amphibious communities of the lakes and pools (Koenigieto-Agro- stidetum albae, Agrostideto-Ranunculetum reptantis, Subularieto-Ra- nunculetum reptantis, Ranunculeto-Isoetetum lacustris) are particularly interesting. On the sea shore a Puccinellietum maritimae boreoatlanti- cum may be found. The sand dunes are occupied by Elymetum arenarii and Festucetum cryophilae. The nitrophile vegetation of the sea shore is represented by Atriplicetum glabriusculae. Snow patches are very common on the plateaus; there well known communities of Anthelietum, Salicetum herbaceae and Sibbaldietum may be seen. Characteristic for the snow patch communities are e. g. Gna- phalium supinum, Veronica alpina, Sibbaldia procumbens, Phleum com- mutatum, Dicranum falcatum etc. In the neighbourhood of snow patches a very rich community of Empetreto-Vdccinietum occurs, where Vaccinium uliginosum and V. Myrtillus, Empetrum hermaphroditum, Alchemilla alpina, A. minor, Rhacomitrium canescens, are dominating. A special type of vegetation is represented by the temporarily hydro- phile community, Nardetum islandicum (Nardus, Viola palustris, Poly- gonum viviparum, Drepanocladus uncinnatus, Agrostis tenuis etc.) The spring vegetation is represented mainly by the Philonotidetum fontanae, with characteristic species as Montia lamprosperma, Epilobium alsinifolium, Juncus triglumis, Saxifraga stellaris, Mniobryum albicans etc. The most thermophile community of the area investigated is probably the Geranieto-Succisetum pratensis on southern slopes of the Central Highland of Reykjanes, with Geranium silvaticum, Succisa, Fragaria vesca, Hieracium islandicum, Angelica silvestris, Filipendula Ulmaria, Orchis maculatus etc. The complete description of the above plant communities will be published in a special paper.


The Botany of Iceland

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