The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 19

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 19
THE FLORA OF REYKJANES PENINSULA 17 Mykludalur, 130 m; Vogshús, 2 m; Hlíðarendi, 27 m; Hólmshraun, 120 m; southern slope of the W. Plateau, 140 m, Strípshraun, 140 m; Vatnshlíð, 200 m; Krísuvíkurdalur, 135—170 m. 6. Equisetum trachyodon A. Br., Flora (1839) 305. Krísuvík (Bjarni Stemundsson) (I have not seen his specimens). 7. Equisetum variegatum Allioni ex Schleich. (1807) n. n. Web. et Mohr (1807) 60. 88—t8o m. In the lowland; rare. Grindavík (Ingólfur Davíðsson); Krisuvíkurdalur, 135—155 m; at the source of the river Kaldá, 88 m; Leirdalur, 180 m; Hólmshraun, 120 m. Lycopodiaceae. 8. Lycopodium alpinum L. Sp. pl. (1753 1104. 75—560 m. Highland species, characteristic for Empetreto-Vaccinietum, seldom also in Callunetum or Sibbaldietum. Abundantly fertile. New for the area investigated. Central Highland NW from Gullbringa, 260 m; Svörtubjörg, 140 m; Brenni- steinsfjöll, 560 m; Hvammahraun, 140 m; Sandfellsheiði, in the crater, 75 m; (along “Vegur milli hraun og hlíðar” at Kolviðarhóll, 370 m). 9. Lycopodium annotinum L. Sp. pl. (1753) 1103 var. pungens Desv. 140—260 m. Rare; in Sibbaldietum or Empetro-Vaccinietum, on W and N slope of Western Plateau; NE from Gullbringa, 260 m; Brciðdalur; below the cotc 407; 240 m; northern part of Vatnshlíð. 10. Lycopodium Selago L. Sp. pl. (1753) 1102. 80—j8o m. Sprcad ovcr the whole area. Hafnarfjörður (Solander); Djúpavatn, 210 m; Arnarfell, 230 m; Geitahlíð, 270 m; Rjúpnadalshnúkur, 265 m; Western Plateau, 580 m; Brennisteinsfjöll, 560 m; Svcifluháls, 300 m; Hagafell, 120 m; Gullkistugjá, 120 m; Langahlíð S. from Lcirdalsvatnstæði, 180 m; Keilir 379 m; Almcnningur, 80 m; Herdísar- víkurfjall ctc. Selaginellaceae. 11. Selaginella selaginoides (L.) Link (1841) 158. 5—joo m. Common in thc arca investigated, highest hills exccptcd. Abundantly fertile. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Seltjörn, 7 m; Geitafjall 24J—joo m; Central High- land, 400—430 m; Kolviðarhóll, 420 m; Sveifluháls, 320 m; Hörduvcllir, 190 m; The Botany of Iceland. Vol. V. Part I. 3


The Botany of Iceland

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