The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 25

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 25
THE FLORA OF REYKJANES PENINSULA 23 43. Descbampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. (1836) 66. 10—500 m. In the heath and in copses, common. Kúadalur (Grönlund), Kaldársel, 90 m; Geitafjall, 500 m; Sveifluháls 290 m; Herdísarvíkurfjall 180 m; Fjallið eina 190 m; Krísuvíkurdalur 160 m; Kapla- tóur 155 m; Búrfell 143; Seljahlíð 100 m; Almenningur 105; Geitahlíð 110 m; Mykludalur 130 m; Grindavík 70 m; Sandfellsheiði 73 m; Svartsengi 79 m; Háaleiti 35 m; Cape Reykjanes 10 m; Vífilsfell 308 m; Stóra Reykjafell 350 m; ‘ Strípshraun 140 m; Breiðdalur 240 m. 44. Elymus arenarius L. Sp. pl. 83. 1—138 m. On the aeolian sand and sand dunes very abundantly. Near the village Nes harvested by the inhabitants. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Cape Reykjanes 10 m; Strandarkirkja 5 m; Porláks- höfn, Vogsósar 2 m; Syðristapi 138 m; (sterile); Hvaleyri 1 m; Hlíðarendi 27 m; Nes ij m; Isólfskáli. 4j. Festuca vivipara (L.) Sm. (1800) 114. 5—685 m. Common. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Njarðvíkurhraun 40 m; Vífilsfell 654 m; Skálafell 574 m; Bláfjöll, cote 685 m; Grindavík 5 m, etc. 46. Festuca cryophila Krecz. in Komarov, Fl. SSSR. (F. rubra v. arenaria auct. fl. arct.) 1—308 m. On aeolian sand and sand dunes very common, often in great quantities. Cape Reykjanes 5 m; Vogavík 2 m; Herdísarvík 4 m; Kleifarvatn 136 m; Hvaleyri 3 m; Vífilsfell 308 m; Strandarkirkja 5 m; Vogsósar 1 m; Fóelluvötn 180 m; Kaldársel 120 m; Strípshraun 140 m; Búrfell 130 m; Helgafell 124 m; Vatnshlíð 200 m; Grímsholl 52 m; Ffflavallafjall 230 m; Mcrkines 10 m; Ósar 1 m; Nes 15 m. 47. Nardus stricta L. Sp. pl. (1753) 53. 10—380 m. Missing in the western part of the area investigated up to the line Keflavík- Grindavík. In the NE part common and in great amounts. Hafnarfjörður (Mörch), Seltjörn 10 m, fl. 15. VII. 37; Seltún 154 m; Vatna- vellir 180 m; to the East from Geitafjall 200 m; Kolviðarhóll 380 m; fl. 29. VII. 37; Vífilsfell 300 m; Stóra Reykjafell 350 m; fl. 6. 8. 37; Leirdalur 178 m; fl. 27. VIII. 37. 48. Phleum commutatum Gaud. in ALpina III. (1808) 4 (cf. Flylander (i945) 72)- (P. alpinum auct. fl. Isl.) 135—560 m.


The Botany of Iceland

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