The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 29

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 29
THE FLORA OF REYKJANES PENINSULA 27 66. Carex Lyngbyei Hornem. (1837) 276. 135—170 m. In bogs of Krísuvíkurdalur common, often in grcat quantities, not found elswhere in the area investigated. Krisuvík (Steenstrup), Krísuvíkurdalur 135—170 m, fl. VII. 37. 67. Carex rariflora (Wg.) Smith (1813). 135—350 m. Here and there, in bogs often in great quantities. Krísuvík (Steenstrup), Krísuvíkurdalur 135—200 m; crater below Hetta in Sveifluháls 220 m; Leirdalur, Vatnavellir 180 m; foot of Fjallið eina E from Bláfjöll. 68. Carex Bigelowii Torr. (1824) 67 ex Schweinitz (cf. Hylander (i945) 97)- (C. rigida Good.) 5—605 m. Common, fl. June till August. Hafnarfjörður (Grönlund); Krísuvík (Steenstrup); Seltjörn 7 m; Kolviðarhóll 390 m; W. plateau 360—605 m; Vatnshlíð 320 m; Sveifluháls 290 m; Geita- fjall 245 m; Krokamýri 200 m; Súlur 140 m; Cape Reykjanes 65 m; Sandfells- heiði 71 m; Geitafjall 500 m; Bláfjöll 530 m; Grindavík 5 m etc. 69. Carex saxatilis L. Sp. pl. (1753) 976. 178 m. Very rare: Vatnaöldur NW from Vífilsfell 178 m, fr. 30. VII. 37. 70. Carex serotina Mérat, Fl. Paris. ed. 2. (1821) 54. (C. Oederi auct. fl. Isl.) cf. Grötved 1942, p. 175. Very rare. Hlíðarvatn at Stakkavík, fr. 12. VII. 36. 71. Carex subspathacea Wormskj. (1816) 4. Very rare. In a strand marsh at Narkafot, fl. 15. VI. 37. Hitherto only known in the northern half of the Island. 72. Eriophorum angustifolium Honckeny 1782, Roth 1789. 7—320 m. In bogs, often in a great quantity. Fructifying abundantly. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Krísuvík (Steenstrup), Krísuvíkurdalur (135—140 m), fl. 14. VII. 37; Vatnavellir 10 m; Fóelluvötn 180 m; fr. 31. VII. 37; Sveifluháls 220 m; Snorrastaðatjörn 7 m; (Hengill 320 m). 73. Eriophorum Scheuchzeri Hoppe (1800) 104. 135—384 m- In bogs in great quantities. One indiv. has (average from 5 samples) about 1x3 achenes. In Krísuvíkurdalur I found 150—700 indiv. on 1 m2. Thus on 4'


The Botany of Iceland

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