The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Page 32

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Page 32
30 EMIL HADAC 3 seeds on!y (in all ij samples). One individual produces in average 420 seeds. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Arnarfell 174 m; Vífilsfell 620 m; Skálafell 574 m; Bláfjöll, cote 632 m; Hákollur 685 m; Kistufcll 590 m; Brennisteinsfjöll 560 m; Geitafjall 500 m; Cape Reykjanes 30 m; Háaleiti 35 m; Merkines 10 m, etc. Liliaceae. 86. Tofieldia pusilla (Michaux 1803) Persoon, Syn. I. (1803) 399. (7*. palustris Huds., cf. Hylander (1945) 111). 2—200 m. In the lowland, scattercd. Fl. from the end of June till the beginning of July. Seltjörn 7 m; Arnarfell 173 m; fl. 21. VII. 37; Vogshús 2 m; Selfjallskáli 126 m; Krokamýri 200 m; Krísuvík 120 m, fl. 25. VI. 37; Hafnarfjörður. 87. Paris quadrifolia L., Sp. pl. (1753) 367. 30 m. In lava fissures, in thc neighbourhood of Hafnarfjörður. Fl. 7. VII. 37, ripe berrics 28. VII. 37. One berry has (7)—20—(34) secds as an average (from 10 samples). Hafnarfjörður (Solander, Symington etc.), Almcnningur at Straumsvík 30 m. 10—320 m. Orchidaceae. 88. Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. (1820) 329. Scattered. Geitahlíð (Mörch), between Kúadalur and Krísuvík (Grönlund), Arnarfell, southcrn slope of the W-Plateau 225 m; Búrfell 120 m; Merkines 10 m; Sandfellsheiði 75 m; Máfahlíðar 195 m; Ketil 225 m; Sveifluháls 310 m; W- Platéau to the West from the cote 310, 280 m, etc. 89. Corallorhiza trifida Chatelin (1760) 8. 136 m. Very rarc, in thc Empetreto-Vaccinietum. Hvammahraun, at thc cnd of a lava stream on the shore of Kleifarvatn, fl. 25. VI. 37. 90. Hahenaria hyperhorea (L.) R. Br. (1813) 193. 2—220 m. In heaths scattered. Fl. in July. Grindavík (Ingólfur Davíðsson); Hafnarfjörður 20 m; Vogsósar 2 m; Stóri Nýibær 135 m; Kaldá 87 m; Logbcrg 220 m; Purrá 2j m. 91. Listera cordata (L.) R. Br. (1813) 201. 120—296 m. Rare, in thc Vaccinieto-Empetretum. Fl. 23. VI.—21. VII. 37. Sandfcll near Vífilsfell (Axel Kaaber), Geitahlíð, W slope, 296 m; Langahlxð


The Botany of Iceland

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