The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 37

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Síða 37
THE FLORA OF REYKJANES PENINSULA 35 113. Cerastium Cerastoides (L.) Britt. (1894) 150. 180—560 m. Highland type, common in snow patches, seldom descending into the lowland. Rjúpnadalshnúkur 340 m; Vatnavellir 190 m; Brennisteinsfjöll 560 m; Langa- hlíð 542 m; Fóelluvötn 180 m; Central Highland. 114. Honckenya peploides (L.) Ehrh. (1788) 181 v. oblongifolia Hartm. 1—8 m. Halophytic, on the sea shore, scattered. Vogsósar (Thoroddsen), 1 m, fl. 4. VII. 37; Isólfskáli (Thoroddsen); Narfakot; Grindavík; Strandarkirkja 8 m. 115. Minuartia rubella (Wg.) Graeb. in A. et G. (1918) 733. 130—200 m. Rare. Grindavík (Ingólfur Daviðsson), Krísuvík (Ingólfur Davíðsson); Log- berg 130 m; Sveifluháls 200 m. 116. Sagina intermedia Fenzl in Ledeb. (1824) 339. 135—560 m. Rare. One indiv. has about 60 fiowers (averagc from 3 samples). Each capsule contains ca. 38 seeds (average from 10 samples). One average individual can thus produce about 2.280 seeds. Vigdísarháls, Philonotidetum fontanae 210 m, fl. 10. VII. 37; southern shore of Kleifarvatn, on wet sand, 135 m, fr. 17. VII. 37; Helgafell 250 m, fr. 21. VII. 37; Vífilsfell, in the pass to the south from the top, 560 m, fl. 7. VIII. 37; Húsmúli, in a ravine of a stream, 310 m. 117. Sagina nodosa (L.) Fenzl (1833) 18. 1—130 m. In open communities, frequent. Krísuvíkurdalur 135 m; Vogshús 2 m; Vatnavellir 180 m; Hvaleyri 1 m; Cape Reykjanes 50 m; Háaleiti 35 m; Hlíðarvatn 3 m; Fóelluvötn 180 m; Leirdalur 180 m; Logberg 145 m; Sveifluháls 220 m; (Húsmúli 310 m). 118. Sagina procumbens L., Sp. pl. (1753) 128. 3—310 m. Frequent. Gunna (Ostenfeld), Krísuvíkurdalur 135 m; Hafnarfjörður (Solander); Krísuvík (Steenstrup), Súlur 140 m; Valahnúkur 145 m; Hlíðarvatn 3 m; Fóelluvötn 180 m; Logberg 145 m; Sveifluháls 220 m; (Húsmúli 310 m). 119. Stellaria media (L.) Cyr. (1784) 36. 1—255 m- On home-fields (“tún”), in caves, where sheep shelter during rainy days, along roads, on the sea-shore. Endozoochore. Growing from sheep- or horse-dung. One capsule contains usually (4)—7—8—(12) seeds. í


The Botany of Iceland

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