The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Side 38

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Side 38
36 EMIL HADAC Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Narfakot i m; fsolfskáli; Snorrastaðatjörn 7 m; Grindavík 20 m; Stori Nýibær, tún, 135 m; in caves on the southern slope of the Central Highland, 110 m; Kolviðarhóll; Kleifarvatn 135 m; Hvaleyri 1 m; Sveifluháls 240 m; Vigdísarháls 205 m; Þorlákshöfn; Brekka; Breiðdalur 140 m; Látsfjall 85 m. 120. Silene acaulis Jacq. (1762), L. (1762) 603. 5—685 m. Very common, often in gigantic individuals measuring more than 1 m in diam. An average individual measures about 15 cm in diam. and has ca. 260 flowers (aver. from 3 samples). Each capsule contains (4)—11—(28) seeds (average from 35 samples). An average individual can thus produce about 2.800 sceds. On Spitsbergen, I have counted (2)—6—(10) seeds in each capsule of Silene acaulis. The number of seeds in a capsule indicates a possible taxonomic difference between the Icclandic and Spitsbergen form. In a previous paper, I have shown that thc arctic form of S. acaulis, usually designated (e. g. by Fernald, Polunin etc.) as “v. exscapa All.” has nothing in common with the true S. exscapa from Central Europe. It might be a very interesting task to revise the Arctic and Subarctic Silene acaulis. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Krisuvík (Steenstrup), Scltjörn 7 m; fl. 15. VI. 37; Vífilsfcl! 654 m; Skálafell 574 m; Bláfjöll, cote 632 m; Hákollur 685 m; Capc Reykjanes 5 m; Grindavík 5 m, etc. 121. Silene maritima With. (1796) 414. 2—285 m. On beach sand and in fell fields, on shorc as well as in thc interior of thc Peninsula. An average individual has ca. 37 flowers (from 4 samples aver.); in a district of acolian sand at Vogsósar grcat individuals may be seen with at lcast 340 flowers! Each capsule contains about 84 seeds (avcrage from 10 samplcs); onc individual can thus produce an averagc of ca. 3.000 sceds, thc gigantic individuals produce up to 28.000 sceds. Hafnarfjörður (Solandcr), Krísuvík 135 m; Hcrdísarvík 10 m; Logberg 120 m; Capc Rcykjanes 50 m; Vogshús 2 m; Hlíðarcndi 27 m; Nes 15 m; Strandarkirkja 7 m; Grímsholl 52 m; Svcifluháls 285 m. 122. Viscaria alpina (L.) Don. (1831) 415. v. frigida Rouy et Fouc. 10—325 m. In fcll-fields scattered. Onc individual has ca. 20 flowcrs (avcr. from 3 samplcs). Each capsulc contains ca. 70 secds (avcrage from 5 samplcs); an averagc individual produces thus about 1400 secds. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Grindavík 20 m; Hcrdísarvík 10 m, fl. 1. VII.; Sandfcll near Vífilsfcll 325 m; fl. 16. VII. 37; Logberg 140 m; 123. Agrostemma Githago L. Very rare, as wccd in corn-ficlds. Isólsfskáli, in a barley ficld, latcr on raiscd as a gardcn flowcr, fl. 28. VIII. 37.


The Botany of Iceland

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