The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Page 41

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Page 41
THE FLORA OF REYKJANES PENINSULA 39 Kúadalur (Grönlund), Hafnarfjörður, Seltjörn 8 m; Arnarfell 150 m; Herdí- sarvík 3 m; Logberg 120 m; Vífilsfell 654 m; Skálafell 574 m; Bláfjöll, cote 620—632; Hákollur 685 m, Kistufell 590 m; Strandarkirkja 5 m etc. 137. Cochlearia officinalis L., Sp. pl. (1753) 647. coll. 0—173 Not common, on strand cliffs. One indiv. from Narfakot had stems with ca. 14 pods on each (aver. from 14 samples). Each pod contains about 14 seeds (aver. from 8 samples). An average indiv. produces thus about 9.840 seeds. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), to the E from Innri Njarðvík 30 m, fl. 15. VI. 37, Narfakot, o m; Grindavík 1 m; Arnarfell 173 m. 138. Draba incana L., Sp. pl. (1753) 643. 1—310 m. Frequent. One individual has about (20)—28—(32) pods with ca. 32 seeds in each pod (aver. 10 samples); one individual produces thus ca. 880 seeds. Hafnarfjörður (Lyngbye), Arnarfell 173 m; Núpar 15 m; Hvaleyri 1 m; Sveifluháls 310 m; Fíflavallafjall 250 m; Herdísarvík 180 m; Súlur 140 m; Valahnúkar 145 m; to the NW from Kleifarvatn 140 m; Hagafell 120 m; Syðri Stapi 150 m; Brekka 42 m; fl. 16. VI. 37; Grímshóll 58 m; Grindavík 4 m. 139. Draba rupestris R. Br. (1812) 91. 300—615 m. Highland type. One individual from Brennisteinsfjöll had 23 basal rosettes with scapes altogether with 263 pods; each pod contains about 15 seeds. This single individual produced thus about 3.790 seeds. Brennisteinsfjöll 450 m; Bláfjöll near the cote 632, 615 m; Sveifluháls 300— 320 m, fl. 4. VII. 37. 140. Raphanus Raphanistrum L. Very rarc, accidentally introduced: Hafnarfjörður (Jóhannes Sigfússon 1886). 141. Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borb. (1900). 136—180 m. Rare. Lambhagi, in a cave at Kleifarvatn, together with Poa annua, 136 m, fl. 17. VII. 37; Vatnavellir 180 m; Leirdalur 180 m, fl. 28. VII. 37; Logberg 145 m. 142. Sinapis arvensis L. Very rare, accidentally introduced Járngerðarstaðir (Bj. Sæmundsson). 143. Subularia aquatica L., Sp. pl. (1753) 642. 3—180 m. In open communities on wet soil, very rare. Hlíðarvatn 3 m; Leirdalur 180 m, fl. 28. VII. 37.


The Botany of Iceland

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