The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Page 46

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Page 46
44 EMIL HADAC Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Seltjörn 7 m; Snorrastaðatjörn 8 m; Narfakot o m; Vogavík o m; Grindavík 10 m; Herdísarvík i m; Krísuvík 135 m; Logberg 120 m; Purrá 15 m; Cape Reykjancs 1 m; Nes ij m; Strandakirkja 7 m; Hvaleyri o m; Þorlákshöfn, Selvogur. 169. Potentilla Crantzii (Crantz) Beck (1892) 760. 10—290 m. In lowland, common. An average plant has ca. 6 flowers (average from 6 speciments), in each flower about 7 well developed achenes may be found (average from 31 samples). One aver. indiv. produces thus about 70 seeds. Krísuvík (Steenstrup); Njarðvíkurhraun 42 m, fl. 15. VI. 37; Djúpavatn 290 m; Ketil 225 m; Herdísarvík 180 m; Valahnúkar 145 m; Kleifarvatn 140 m; Máfahlíðar 195 m; Selalda 100 m; Hagafell 120 m; Cape Reykjanes új m; Grindavík 70 m; Sandfellsheiði 75 m; Almenningur 80 m; Stapafell 50 m; Porbjörn 40 m; Súlur 45 m; Merkines 10 m; Krísuvík 154 m, germin. 22. VII. 37. 170. Rubus saxatilis L., Sp. pl. (1753) 494. 7—280 m. In heaths in the lowland, common. Flowering from the end of June till August, ripe fruits from the middle of July. Kúadalur (Grönlund), Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Seltjörn 7 m; Geitafjall 245 m; Máfahlíðar 195 m; Herdísarvíkurfjall 150 m; Kaplatóur 155 m; Súlur 140 m; Búrfell 143 m; Selalda 100 m; Kaldársel 100 m; Sveifluháls 100 m; Seljahlíð 100 m; Hlíðarendafjall 100 m; Almenningur 105 m; Geita- hlíð 110 m; Snókafell 125 m; Mykludalur 130 m; Grindavík 70 m; Hval- eyarvatn 40 m; Porbjörn 40 m; Cape Reykjanes 40 m; Hólmshraun 120 m; Strípshraun 140 m; Hvammahraun 140 m; Vatnshlíð 200 m; Breiðalur 240 m; W-Plateau 280 m. 171. Sibbaldia procumbens L., Sp. pl. (1753) 284. (202)—245—605 m. Highland type, in snow patches (Sibbaldietum procumbentis). W-Plateau to the east from Gullbriniga 300 m; Langahlíð úoj m; fl. 26, VI. 37; Geitahlíð 296—310 m; Krókamýri 202 m; sterile; Rjúpnadalshnúkar 330 m; Hveradalir 360 m; fl. 8. VII. 37; Brennisteinsfjöll júo m, fl. 16. VII. 37; Geitafjall 24J— joo m; fl. 14. VIII. 36; Kolviðarhóll 262 m; 370 m; Vatnshlíð 320 m; Blá- fjöll J30 m; Grindaskarð 300 m; Fagradalsfjall. Papilionaceae. 172. Anthyllis Vulneraria L., Sp. pl. (1753) 719. 2—180 m. Scattered, in the lowland, especially near settlements. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Vogsósar (Thoroddsen), Cape Reykjanes (Osten- feld), Vogshús 2 m; Herdísarvík 2 m; between Hafnarfjörður and Kaldársel, Arnarfell, Purrá 6j m; Hlíðarendi 100 m; Grindavík (Ingólfur Davíðsson), Krísuvík (idem).


The Botany of Iceland

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