The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Side 53

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Side 53
THE FLORA OF REYKJANES PENINSULA 51 Kaldársel 100 m, fl. 21. VII. 37; Logberg 120 m; Þurrá 150 m; fl. 8. VIII. 37; Hh'ðarendafjall 100 m, fl. 14. VIII. 36. Labiatae. 207. Prunella vulgaris L., Sp. pl. (1753) 590. 65—150 m. Characteristic type of the lowland, occurring on sunny slopes especially in the SE part of the area investigated. Hafnarfjörður (Grönlund), Grindavík (Ingólfur Davíðsson); Herdísarvíkur- fjall 105 m; Stakkavíkurfjall, Purrá 65—150 m; Kambar 80 m, fl. 8. VIII. 37; at a “maar” near Stóri Nýibær 130 m, fl. 15. VII. 37; Kaldársel 90 m, fl. 21. VII. 37. 208. Thymus arcticus (E. Durand) Ronninger, Rep. Bot. Exch. Club (1924) 237. 1—520 m. Common, especially in the lowland, in heaths etc. often frequented by humblebees. Cushion of an individual from Skálafell, ca. 10 years old, was ca. 30 cm in diam. and had about 3.000 capsules. Each capsule contains 3—4 seeds. The specimen observed had thus ca. 9—10.000 seeds. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Keflavík (Mörch), Innri-Njarðvík 10 m; Kolviðar- hóll 420 m; Djúpavatn 290 m; Vatnshlíð 200 m; E. Plateau to the south from Þríhnúkar 520 m; in southern slope (leg. M. Kuthan); Keilir 379 m, fl. 8. VIII. 37; Geitafjall 460 m; Vogavík 1 m; Grindavík 4 m; Cape Reykjanes 3 m etc. Scrophulariaceae. 209. Bartsia alpina L., Sp. pl. (1753) 602. 90—400 m. Frequent, in the community of Empetreto-Vaccinielum. An average specimen has ca. (4)—6—(11) capsules (average from 9 samples). Each capsule contains about (25)—36—(47) seeds (average from 10 samples). An average individual produces thus about 230 seeds. Sveifluháls 240 m, Djúpavatn 198 m, Kleifarvatn 150 m, Valahnúkar 154 m. 210. Euphrasia frigida Pugsl. (1930) 490. J3°—500 m- Frequent, in heaths, snow patches etc. Vífilsfell 308 m, fl. 30. VII. 37; Búrfell 130 m; Hvammahraun 140 m; fl. 19. VII. 37; Breiðdalur 240 m; Fagridalur 400 m; Geitafjall 500 m; W-Plateau 410 m; (Hengill 384—490 m, fl. 6. VIII. 36). var. subcurta (Jorg.) Pugsl.: Hafnarfjörður (H. Jónsson). 211. Limosella aquatica L., Sp. pl. (1753) 631. 135—180 m. In bogs, rare. Krísuvík 135 m; Lcirdalur 180 m.


The Botany of Iceland

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