The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Side 66

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Side 66
FORMERLY PUBLISHED PARTS OF BOTANY OF ICELAND (1) Helgi Jónsson: The Marine Algal Vegetation of Iceland. With 7 figures in the text. 1912. (2) Th. Thoroddsen: An Account of the physical Geography of Iceland with special Reference to the Plant Life. With 36 figures in the text. (3) Ernst 0strup: Marine Diatoms from the Coasts of Iceland. With one plate. 1916. (4) Aug. Hesselbo: The Bryophyta of Iceland. With 39 figures in the text. 1918. Part I and II in one Volume.........................Kr. 20.00 (5) Ernst 0strup: Fresh-water Diatoms from Iceland. With 5 plates. 1918. (6) Olaf Galloe: The Lichen Flora and Lichen Vegetation of Iceland. 1920 ..................................... Kr. 10.00 (7) Johs. Boye Petersen: The Fresh-water Cyanophyceæ of Ice- land. With 17 figures in the text. 1923. (8) Johs. Boye Petersen: The Aerial Alg.æ of Iceland. With 36 figures in the text. 1928 ..........................Kr. 8.00 (9) Poul Larsen: Fungi of Iceland. WitK 19 figures in the text and a colour chart. 1931 ............................Kr. 6.00 Vol. III. Part I. (10) H. Molholm Hansen: Studies on the Vegetation of Iceland. With 12 plates and one figure in the 'cxt. 1930 .... Kr. 8.00 Part II. (11) M. P. Christiansen: Studies in the Larger Fungi of Iceland. With 1 plate. 1941 ................................. Kr. 4.00 Part III. (12) M. P. Christiansen: The Taraxacurr. flora of Iceland. With 11 figures in the text and 44 plates. «942 ........................Kr. 18.00 Part IV. (14) Steindór Steindórsson: Studies on the Vegetation of the Central Highland of Iceland. With 20 figures in the text. i94S ............................................................. Kr. 14,00 Vol. IV. Part I. (13) Johs. Gröntved: The Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta of Iceland. With 177 figures in the text. 1942...............................Kr. 25.00 Vol. V. Part I. (15) Emil Hadac: Thc Flora of Reykjanes Pcninsula, SW-Ice- land ..................................................................... Kr. 6.00 Vol. I. Part I. Part. II. r / Vol. II. Part I. Part II. Part III. A. RASMUSSENS BOGTR. RINGKJ0BING


The Botany of Iceland

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