Atlantica - 01.07.2004, Qupperneq 83

Atlantica - 01.07.2004, Qupperneq 83
The Housing Financing Fund was established and commenced opera- tions on January 1,1999. HFF’s main objective is to offer its loans on the most favourable terms possible within its means in order to facilitate affordable renting or owner- ship of housing, in compliance with the relevant autho- rising legislation. The strategic position of HFF is under- pinned by its competitive advantages including: (I) its ability to borrow at rates simi- lar to that of the Government, (II) its very efficient operations illus- trated by its low cost ratio, and (III) its not-for-profit status that elim- inates the need to make dividend payments thereby reducing the net margin on its lending activities. To ensure the low rates, HFF’s financ- ing strategy is to continue to issue a limited number of large, State-guaran- teed inflation-linked bond issues in ISK which, in the case of the New Notes, can be settled in one or more international settlement systems such as Euroclear. HFF also plans to lend increasingly to companies which finance property purchases through loans from HFF and which subsequently offer the property to individuals on the rental market. Until now the rental market in Iceland has not been strong, however this is expected to change in the future. Government policy is currently not only to encourage individual home ownership but also to increase the availability of rental housing. Moody´s ratings on HFF is Aaa and Standard & Poor´s is AA+ The Housing Financing Fund pro- duced an operating profit amounted to ISK 1.262 million year 2002 and 1.678 million year 2003. Total outstanding lending by the Housing Financing Fund at the end of 2002 amounted to ISK 392.926 million and 444.829 million at the end of 2003. Assets of the Housing Financing Fund were ISK 402 billion at the end of 2002 and ISK 460 billion at the end of 2002. Kaupthing Bank is one of the ten largest banks in the Nordic countries and aims to be one of the leading investment banks in the region. Kaupthing Bank offers institutions and individuals comprehensive investment banking and financial services. It is a leading player in all key areas of the Icelandic financial market, and in recent years international growth and development have been a major area of focus. In Iceland, the bank operates as both a retail and investment bank but internationally the bank’s empha- sis is on investment banking. At the end of 2003 Kaupthing Bank and its subsidiaries employed 1,271 people in ten countries. The Bank’s headquar- ters are located in Reykjavík. In 2003 Kaupthing Bank posted an after-tax profit of ISK 7,520 million, compared with ISK 5,363 million com- bined after-tax profit in 2002. Return on equity was 23.0%, considerably higher than the bank’s target on return on equity of 15%.•The bank strengthened its financial position during the year, achieving a CAD ratio of 14.2% at year end 2003, compared with 14.7% at the former Kaupthing Bank and 10.9% at Búnadarbanki Íslands at year end 2002.• The bank’s total assets amount- ed to ISK 559 billion at year end 2003, compared with ISK 432 billion at the beginning of the year. Kaupthing Bank´s shares are listed on the Icelandic Stock Exchange and the Swedish Stock Exchange. Actavis Group, formerly known as Pharmaco, is an international generic pharmaceuticals company with oper- ations in 25 countries. Actavis has grown in recent years, both organi- cally and through strategically focused acquisitions. The company was founded in 1956 and is headquar- tered in Iceland. Actavis has a total workforce of more than 7,000 employees, which includes teams of highly-trained phar- macists, chemists and other scientific professionals. The company operates a strong development programme which aims to bring new products to market when patents expire. Actavis’ key objective is being first to market and offering better and faster access to the latest generic products and a wide portfolio of affordable, high quality pharmaceuticals. Actavis’ revenue for the year 2003 was EUR316 million, a 46% increase on the prior year (2002: EUR 216 mil- lion). Earnings before interest tax, exceptional items, depreciation and goodwill amortisation (EBITDA) in 2003 increased by 84%, to EUR 84 million compared to EUR 45.7 million in 2002.Actavis posted a net profit for 2003 of EUR40.5 million, an increase of 24.4% year on year. In 2002 the Group returned a net profit of EUR 32.6 mil- lion. Underlying growth in sales from operations between 1Q 2004 and 1Q 2003 was 18.6%. Actavis is listed on the Iceland Stock Exchange and the symbol is ACT. ANNUAL REPORT CARD A T L A N T I C A 81 0064 Atlantica403annualrep copy 22.6.2004 17:00 Page 81
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