EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.09.1941, Blaðsíða 38

EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.09.1941, Blaðsíða 38
3S Km Tím "TheNcxt 100 Days!” John D. Biggers, director of the OPM production division, tells the House military affairs committee that America’s safety depends en-i tirely upon “the next 100 days” of defense output. He declared pro-| duction has been impeded both byl | industry and labor alike. j The Colonel in Camp Congressman Hamilton Fish, Jr., representative from New York, is shown at Fort Bragg, North Caro- lina, where he is serving as a colonel in the 41st Engineers. Nazi Forces Push Into Soviet HELSINKI LENINCRAD Lfi rv/A R'CA M05COW LITHUANIA WILMO, DA.NZIC \ E4S1 PRU151A MIN5H WAftSA^/ •BKðsr-umsKf -■ .AND) J•••>., KIEV ZHITOMIR UKRAINE HUNGARY R UMani, UÍUCHAREóT. SEVASTOPOL i uermany s ínvasion ot Kussia Degan aiong a iront extenaing irom tne Arctic tó the Black Sea, with Finnish and Rumanian troops also push- ing into the Soviet from their frontiers. Nazi bombers promptly at- tacked Zhitomir, Kiev and Sevastopol while Red bombers raided East Prussia. Brest-Litovsk wás the scene of bloody fighting. ^ __


EM EM : monthly magazine

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