The Arctic Times - 01.10.1941, Qupperneq 1
25 aurar.
No. 1
Friday, 10 October, 1941.
Mr. ”B” and his Prognostications
We should like to give you
first of all an explanation of
this, our first entry into the
world of journalism.
It is realized that once the,
roads have become closed that
we cannot expect to receive
delivery of the various dailies
or weeklies from other parts of
the Island and that a paper of
our own is the only way in
which we can record our own
doings and give our own bud-
ding writers or artists a chance
to see their efforts in print.
We therefore produce this
week our first number of the
Arctic Times and hope that
next week it will be full of in-
teresting contributions from all
over the area; contributions not
cadged for or demanded but
written of your own free will
for the interest of your friends
both here and at home.
We want you to realize that
although we write with the
Editorial „WE“ that it is YOUR
paper and that we want YOUR
contributions, YOUR ideas,
YOUR suggestions or criticisms
and YOUR assistance. So do not
be afraid to put your contribu-
tions into an envelope, give
them in to your office or order-
ly room and ask for them to be
forwarded to the Editors
through the official mail. Your
efforts will be regarded as Con-
fidential and will be returned
to you if requested.
Contributions should reach us
by Monday evenings for inser-
tion in the next number but a
constant flow of material is
needed of items which can be
held over for a later number if
there is no room in any parti-
cular week’s issue.
It is hoped to produce a num-
ber every Friday and it will be
on sale at the N.A.A.F.I., in all
Y.M.C.A. huts and in dispersed
units. It may be sent home to
The price depends on your-
We are lucky enough to have
the services of Mr. ,,B“, the
world famous astrologist and
crystal gazer, who has offered
to give, free of charge his week-
ly forecast on world affairs.
Mr. „B“ has not only studied
the stars for many years but
has an intimate knowledge of
the „great Pyramids“ whose
prophecies have been true over
many thousands of years. Mr.
„B“ has not only correctly fore-
casted the outbreak of the war
to the very day and many
other big events but can also
tell you with minute accuracy
when the next mail is due to
arrive and when one is due to
receive ones next „leave or fur-
So if you are ever in doubt
about these things just write to
him, (address, Marlborough
Camp), and he will publish
your reply in the next number
of the paper.
Here is his first message from
the stars and we know that you
will appreciate his kindness in
giving away these valuable se-
What the Stars Foretell.
There are many signs to show
that during OCTOBER/NO-
VEMBER Neptune influences
Germany. Critical days are
therefore ahead for the Hitler
regime, and internal trouble
may be expected.
You should not be alarmed
when I tell you that the Pyra-
mids predict a state of unrest in
the world until 1953. The new
order of things will certainly
take 12 years to evolve. But as
I see it. the war itself should be
nearing its end by December
selves. More and better contri-
butions mean a better paper
which means a better circula-
tion which means a cheaper
price. So it’s up to YOU.
If the war is to end in 1941,
then there is no likelihood of
British troops leaving Icelund
in the near future.
The eclipse of the Sun during
September did not influence the;
world in any way, or the war.
The weather will be cold with
frost towards the end of the
Monday 13th Oct. Owing' to the
sign of Scorpio crossing the
Date Line, the out look for
Monday is very dull. Corres-
pondence should be kept
down to a minimum. A bad
day for having your letters
Tuesday 14th Oct. Mars predo-
minates. A day on which mail
may be expected — oíficial
mail that is. O.Rs should re-
read their last letter in anti-
cipation of more to come, la-
ter in the week.
Wednesday 15th Oct. Those
born under the sign of Libra
are advised to avoid feminine
company today. They should
follow more intellectual pur-
Thursday 16th Oct. Venus (the
star of love) favours W.Os
and Sergeants to-day who
should take advantage of the
facilities made possible by a
tall fair man of importance.
Friday 17th Oct. All the signs
of the Zodiac point to better
financial conditions. O.Rs
should accept all money of-
fered thém to-day. Send off
your other green envelopes.
Within a „two“ you should
receive another one,
Saturday 18th Oct. A good day
for officers. Lucky number
„12“. An exellent day for
mixing with the fair sex. O.
Rs should get their letters
censored later on in the day.
(Continued on page 2).
See Page 3 for our
from fhe
Garrison Commander.
In starting „The Arctic Times“
it is not my object to provide a
rival to any existing paper in
lceland run by the Forces, but
to fill the gap which winter
conditions cause by making pa-
pers from elsewhere out of
date, and lacking interest in
consequence, as no local news
can be sent in time for inclu-
sion except after a considerable
time lag.
In addition I hope that this
paper will be a real interest to
ali in the Sector and that du-
ring the winter months amuse-
ment may be caused for many
of the Garrison in Editing run-
ning and contributing to each
issue. Bearing this in mind I
hope that all ranks will support
it, not only by purchasing co-
pies but by adding to its inte-
rest and amusement, Volun-
teers have come forward to
'push the boat out, but we need
many more hands to keep it
It is starting in a hurry but
I hope that each number will
improve, form an interesting
memento of this winter and
that when we leave Iceland
„The Arctic Times“ will have
become a permanent feature of
life in the North of Iceland.
So Good Luck, good news and
good reading to your own pa-
per „The Arctic Times“.
This is YOUR paper. We want
your articles, notices, suggestions,
criticisms and help. Give them to
your Company or other Comman-
der and ask him to forward it
through the official mail to he
Editors, Marlborough Carnp.
The paper may be sent home.
Capt. B. L. Kentish.
Q.M.S. C. L. Bustard.
Printed by: Oddur Björnsson.