The Arctic Times - 01.10.1941, Qupperneq 2
A very keen Inter-Unit Coy Team Athletic Championship was
seen on the Town Ground on Wednesday 24th September.
Heats took place on Tuesday 23rd and the best 4 teams in each
event were left to compete for the Shield. Championship times
and distances could not of course be expected, the track was
definitely not suited' for fast going and, in addition, competi-
tors had to wear rubber soled shoes. Nevertheless some good
performances were witnessed and the standard shewn was,
considering all things, up to expectation.
As is usual the 4x100 yards relay proved exciting and the
result could not be foretold until the last take over. By a
narrow margin H. B. finished first- followed by the represent-
atives of B. H. Q., H. C. and H. A. Time 46 and one fifth sec.
Teams finished as follows iri the remaining track events: —
4x880 yds. lst H. B. Time 9 min. 20 and two fifths sec.
2nd Man.
3rd L. C.
4th H. D.
4x440 yds. lst H. B. Time 4 min. 8 and four fifths sec.
2nd H. D.
3rd L. C.
4th H. A.
Medley Relay. lst H. C. Time 4 min. five and two fifths sec.
2nd H. D.
3rd H. B.
4th L. C.
H. B. team kept well together in the mile team race and
finished lst and 3rd with H. D. runners just behind in 4th and
5th places.
In the “Shot” a fine putt of 44 feet two and three quarter
inch by Capt. R. D. Bell (H. B. Team) left little doubt as to
the winners.
One competitor each from L. B. and L. A. teams cleared 5
feet in the High Jump. L. A. jumpers winning the event with
a combined height of 9 ft. 10 inch. H. B, team being second
with 9’ 8”.
A distance 17 ft. 10 inch. in the Long Jump was made by a
nember of H. B. team which gained first place with a combined
effort of 34 ft. 11 inch., Man. coming second with 34 ft. 2Yi
inch., followed by H. D. and H. C. teams.
Great enthusiasm welcomed the tug of war teams, and the
team coaches at times were not necessary, the supporters doing
all in their “lung power” to assist their teams.
“Roads” were generally considered favourites for this event
but were beaten in the final, after an excellent pull, by the L.
A. team whose anchor man was the foundatio n of security.
L. C. beat L. D. for 3rd place.
The Section Dash, conducted by the B. M. and Capt. Kentish,
resulted in a win for L. D. team with 32 points. H. D. Section
were runners up with 28 points.
The Championship Shield was awarded to H.B. team who ob-
tained 29 points. Tie for 2nd places between H.C. and H.D.
with 12 points.
In addition to the medals and Shields presented for the ath-
letics the Garrison Commander also gave trophies to the win-
ners of the League Football Competition. Team Captains re-
ceived them on behalf of their teams as follows: —
Tigers H.Q. Coy — Winners of Div. 1.
„Roads“ — Winners of Div. 2.
The Grub Stakes.
The time is 1255 hours and
the runners are all lined up at
the post. They are plainly on
tiptoe, waiting for the signal
‘off‘. There is much fidgeting.
The crowd are getting anxious.
Suddenly there is a deathly
hush and the world seems to
hover on a split second — and
then — the bugler strikes up
‘cookhouse'. They’re off! The
race is on!
What! M & V won! I was
afraid of that.
A two-second, Human Drama.
Sergeant Major: You used to
be in the theatre business, eh.
What did you do, sweep the
Recruit: No, we had a retired
Sergeant Major to do that.
Classical Proverbs, No. 1.
A leave ticket in the hand is
worth two in the Orderly Room.
The Mystery of the
Sergeants Mess.
The C.S.M. had been íound,
foully done to death, on the
floor of the Sgts. Mess. Who
could have done this dastardly
deed? A popular man, with
many years service, the Sgt.
Major had gained the admirat-
ion of all by his regimental
manner, and, by introducing the
diurnal habits of drill parades,
etc. he had won many advo-
cates. He seemed to be popular
with all and sundry. Why, even
the other day Private U.N.
Happy had been heard to
mutter just after the C.M.S. had
been speaking to him in a
fatherly fashion, ‘I worship the
ground thats coming to him,
the.... ‘. Therefore, who could
have done this cowardly act?
(Detective) Sergeant Gaum-
less was soon on the job,
questioning everyone from the
C.O. down to Unpaid Lance
Corporal Stooge, but no
evidence was to be had. Then
Gaumless hit on the solution of
the mystery quite by chance.
One morning, during his usual
investigatory activities, he felt
somewhat in need of refresh-
ment. So he repaired to the bar
of the Sgts. Mess and asked for
a double whiskey. A few minut-
es later, red faced and
breathless, he dashed up to the
Adjutant, shouting ‘Ive got it‘.
‘Ive got it‘. The C.S.M. isnt
dead, he’s only fainted. He
fainted when he learned that
there was no whiskey left in
the Mess.
No, children, this is not an
Icelandic fairy story,
What can you do for us?
What do you do in civilian
life that is out of the ordinary,
have you ever set the Thames
on fire, have you ever done
something that nobody else has
done, haVe you ever had any
remarkable experiences, can
you make up poems, do you
know any funny stories, have
you any interesting hobby. We
are all interested and we all
want to hear about it. Send in
your contributions to the Edi-
tors. Thank you.
An exhibition of contempo-
rary art will be held at officers
„B“ Mess, inthe touro, on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
October lOth to 12th between
1600 and 1800 hours each day.
Representative works by:
Captain S. P. Hitchcock, R.E.
Mr. H. Gaster, Y.M.C..A
Lieut. J. E. Banks, A.P.T.C.
Hr. Geir Þormar.
Captain S. C. Hurst.
A cordial invitation to view
is extended to all messes.
Try our M and V.
Sole Agents
for the
Arctic Circle
Sea view, hot and cold
water, 200 yards from
cinema and local golf
Low ground rent,
Bath extra.
Let us build you a home.
Any piece of ground; rock,
mud or bog.
Anytime or any day
We have nothing else to
do. Materials cost nothing,
we work without them.
Telephone number: 699.
Tre Pol and Pen Coy,
Recent contracts include:
Home of rest, Dix-
fort and Connaught.
Church of England:
1045 hrs. Divine Service.
1115 hrs. Holy Commu-
Every Wednesday: Holy
Mr. „B“ and his . . .
(Continued from page 1).
Sunday 19th Oct. Volunteer for
anything to day, it will do
you no harm. The „stars“ and
„crowns“ should be in a
peaceful condition by mid-
day. You may hope for mail.