Statistical bulletin - 01.08.1964, Síða 7

Statistical bulletin - 01.08.1964, Síða 7
1964 35 Movements of external long-term loans in 1963. (In millions of kr.) Loans used during the year Interest payments during the year Repaymcnts of principal during the year • .s 3 S 3 í 9) m S.s o * . .2 tí S3.2 s !s «.2 .& 3 1 s| l-l Q. tí 2 « c3 .2 > y > t 2 .% t ■3 O 3.S U cð CU H .? a § O eð .a £ s. H o S.a u cd Ph eu H Loans in US dollars .... 103,9 4,5 108,4 40,8 1,8 42,6 53,6 19,8 73,4 Loans in Icel. kr. from USA 118,7 - 118,7 3,0 - 3,0 - - - Loans in Pounds Sterling 186,1 5,2 191,3 19,9 2,6 22,5 23,8 13,8 37,6 Loans in W-German marks 23,2 51,6 74,8 6,5 14,0 20,5 30,2 64,9 95,1 Loans in other convert- ible currencies 33,4 255,5 288,9 22,1 20,0 42,1 86,0 80,0 166,0 Loans in clearing currencies 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,8 3,1 9,3 9,2 18,5 Total 465,3 318,1 783,4 93,6 40,2 133,8 202,9 187,7 390,6 Indices of building cost in Reykjavik 1939—1964. Year Indices Year Indices Year Indices x939 100 1953 801 June 1960 1 434 Í940 133 1954 835 Oct. 1960 1 454 1941 197 1955 904 Febr. 1961 1 473 1942 286 Oct. 1955 .... 969 June 1961 1483 J943 340 Febr. 1957 ... 1 095 Oct. 1961 1 628 1944 356 June 1957 .... 1 124 Febr.1962 .... 1 676 1945 357 Oct. 1957 .... 1 134 June 1962 .... 1 696 1946 388 Febr. 1958 .... 1 134 Oct. 1962 .... 1 744 1947 434 June 1958 .... 1 192 Febr. 1963 .... 1 764 1948 455 Oct. 1958 .... 1 298 June 1963 1 773 1949 478 Febr. 1959 .... Oct. 1963 1 909 1950 527 June 1959 1 279 Febr. 1964 .... 2 045 1951 674 Oct. 1959 1 279 June 1964 2 122 1952 790 Febr. 1960 1 279 Note. The index number for 1939 refers to 12 months period Oct. 1 1938 — Sept. 1939, for 1940 to Oct* 1939 — Sept. 1940, etc. — In 1956 the 1939-Beries was abandoned and a new eeries introduced with Oct.l 1955 = 100. The above index numbers after 1955 are of the new series but converted to base 1939 = 100. — The index is calculated 3 times during year, registering building cost in February, June and October. Each index number be- comes efifective as from the beginning of the subsequent month and is in force during a period of 4 months. Wage rates per hour for ordinary unskilled labour in Reykjavík. Krónur per hour Yearly End of Kxónur per hour Yearly End of average year average year 1939 1,45 1,45 1952 14,30 15,33 1940 1,72 1,84 1953 15,26 15,33 1941 2,32 2,54 1954 15,34 15,42 1942 3,49 5,68 1955 17,03 18,60 1943 5,62 5,66 1956 19,11 19,37 1944 6,66 6,91 1957 19,66 19,92 1945 7,04 7,24 1958 21,30 25,29 1946 7,92 8,35 1959 22,19 21,91 1947 8,87 9,50 1960 21,91 21,91 1948 8,74 8,74 1961 23,12 24,33 1949 9,20 9,61 1962 25,62 26,54 1950 10,41 11,13 1963 29,02 34,45 1951 12,62 13,84 Note. Included in above wage rates is vacation pay (4% on wage rates 1964, July 1.......... 36,52 Aug. 1942 — Dec. 1952, 5% until April 1955, since then 6%) and 1% sickness addition to wage rates April 1955—September 1958. Employers’ 1% contri- bution to assistance fund included as from June 29 1961. The incraese from kr. 34,45 to kr. 36,52 pcr hour of day work was offset by a reduction of pay for overtimc.


Statistical bulletin

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