Statistical bulletin - 01.11.1968, Qupperneq 8

Statistical bulletin - 01.11.1968, Qupperneq 8
52 1968 ímporís January—Sept. 1968 by countries and divisions CIF-value in thous. of krónur. Conversion rate: $1,00 = kr. 43,06. up to end of Nov. 1967, since then kr. 57,07. The sign * indicates that the text of the division concerned is abbreviated. Denmark I Norway | Sweden | Finland Austria j Belgium United Kingdom 8 France Nether- lands Italy 00 Live animals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 01 Meat and meat preparations 11 - - - - - 15 - - - 02 Dairy products and eggs 7 8 - - - - - - í - 03 Fish and fish preparations 222 315 91 - - - 62 - - - 04 Cereals and cereai preparations .... 12.005 683 578 1.517 - 1.959 23.293 1.288 33.402 200 05 Fruit and vegetables 12.877 344 1.735 227 60 4.103 4.451 5.794 10.599 6.982 06 Sugar, sugar preparations, honey* . 1.305 245 11 3.099 - 1.372 17.723 496 - 07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, etc* 2.453 75 1.971 4 34 13 10.099 20 7.047 - 08 Feeding stuff for animals* 31.146 1.323 693 - - 1.515 15.173 - 93.681 - 09 Miscellaneous food preparations ... 4.910 1.845 273 _ - 5.989 4.676 141 914 153 11 Beverages 657 199 - _ - - 8.621 6.580 5.154 2.941 12 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures . 4.099 - 6 _ - - 714 38 4.844 - 21 Hides, skins and furskins, undressed - - - _ _ _ 606 _ - 22 Oil-seeds, oil nuts and oil kernels .. 179 4 - - - 49 _ - 41 - 23 Crude rubber (incl. synth. & recl.) .. 347 - 77 - - - 449 - - - 24 Wood, iumber and cork 5.384 802 18.735 32.944 - - 2.017 - 689 - 25 Pulp and waste paper - - - - - - - - - - 26 Textile fibres* 604 491 66 _ - 192 4.130 597 116 - 27 Crude fertilizers and crude minerals* 4.238 1.362 301 - _ 32 5.259 23 1.905 1.822 28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap . 5 - - - _ - 20 - _ - 29 Crude animal and veget. materials* 7.208 2.416 335 _ _ 249 904 47 2.564 51 32 Coal, coke and briqucttes 14 30 - - - _ 109 - _ - 33 Petroleum and petroleum products . 1.466 513 10.333 - - 22.020 104.820 10 11.485 34 Gas, natural and manufactured .... 1.760 9 8 - - _ 3 364 774 - 41 Animal oils and fats 37 _ _ - - - 21 - - 42 Fixed vegetable oils and fats 4.199 4.822 997 _ - - 298 - 1.431 1 43 Animal and veget. oils and fats, etc.* 1.456 8.109 580 _ - - 1.274 _ 5.541 - 51 Chemical elements and compounds . 11.102 23.594 165 - - 1.072 6.832 415 3.279 241 52 Mineral tar and crude chemicals* .. 732 194 _ - _ 22 133 _ 366 53 Dyeing, tann. and colour materials . 7.712 637 1.377 16 19 38 5.048 36 1.343 15 54 Medicinal and pharmaceutical prod. 21.303 669 2.138 31 137 161 20.363 — 6.906 209 55 Essential oils & perfume materials* 9.297 1.178 2.303 262 - 62 17.305 1.209 1.810 46 56 Fertilizers, manufactured 431 35.404 9 - - 6.493 - 11.332 78.430 - 57 Explosives and pyrotechnic products 38 8.592 1.275 26 _ 23 442 77 - 58 Plastic materials,, etc.* 9.713 3.615 8.119 165 441 352 17.730 1.509 4.178 1.503 59 Chemical materials and prod., n. e. s. 4.126 768 786 1 5 84 4.723 262 1.432 41 61 Leather, leather manufactures, etc.* 555 112 108 - _ _ 1.368 88 30 62 Rubber manufactures, n. e. s 3.685 4.783 4.571 700 803 414 13.455 565 619 431 63 Wood and cork manufactures* .... 12.519 33.007 5.487 13.456 5 1.604 4.515 220 4.119 6 64 Paper, paperboard & manufactures* 9.153 14.308 36.750 51.537 1.781 815 8.901 194 2.513 37 65 Textile yarn, fabrics, etc.* 35.674 r8.459 7.717 2.573 1.125 4.947 43.455 3.731 19.988 4.544 66 Non-metallic mineral manufactures* 25.241 35.510 4.493 1.101 45 20.372 11.579 4.931 2.536 865 67 Iron and steel 15.099 21.834 8.021 10.436 87 32.830 28.724 1.644 9.564 68 Non-ferrous metals 4.593 5.401 1.067 447 232 2.778 13.541 956 1.779 16 69 Manufactures of metal, n. e. s 31.549 46.536 28.951 33.497 474 9.509 42.737 30.762 18.521 1.593 71 Machinery, other than electric 35.923 32.888 45.985 554 1.275 10.281 119.992 13.005 7.703 6.310 72 Electrical machinery, apparatus, etc.* 54.394 27.811 58.715 1.376 332 6.251 44.380 10.213 16.619 22.461 73 Transport equipment 111.489 50.430 50.297 1.852 3 3.431 71.783 5.398 9.598 10.580 81 Sanitary & other fixtures and fittings* 5.832 1.032 10.398 958 2 3.520 2.989 392 1.413 337 82 Furniture 4.703 4.327 2.635 920 _ 172 1.591 320 307 555 83 Travel goods, handbags, etc.* 1.213 62 225 5 22 231 1.110 6 845 398 84 Clothing 13.908 703 3.006 732 891 2.459 37.996 212 9.776 4.951 85 Footwear 3.389 119 2.742 6.758 1.401 1.165 10.083 5.376 8.126 9.002 86 Professional á o. instruments, etc.* 6.295 1.677 3.639 24 488 1.670 12.771 1.798 2.720 1.276 89 Miscellaneous manufact. articles* .. 34.339 15.651 9.506 1.440 1.028 387 24.500 4.003 7.591 4.038 9 Not classified according to kind* .. 101 1.017 15 142 - - 630 1 Total 570.697 403.913 337.290 166.80010.690 148.636 773.413 113.556402.795 81.606 1) As a preliminary measure, a 20% levy on the CIF value of all imports was imposed effective September 3 1968. This levy is not included in imports data as they are reported in foreign trade statistics. 1968 53 of the Standard International Trade Classification, Revised. ~o U.S.S.R. Spain C3 X N c/a 1 Czecho- slovakia Hungary Germany, Eastern Germany, Fed.Rep.t United States Canada Israel Japan Other countries 173 6.685 _ 3.674 _ 4.262 8.219 - _ 3.894 _ _ 54 - - 1.945 3.352 2.331 - - 468 23.944 17.539 - 1.929 - 35.425 1.664 1.052 - 1 405.822 - - — 11 140 - 93 _ 539 _ - 170 _ - - 10 - 24 - - J 841 - 122 196 814 2.788 1.215 429 2.513 468 _ 4.252 244 589 816 341 126 8.051 5.178 _ - 1.275 _ 245 499 270 26.122 1.645 122 1.007 860 _ 528 7.296 _ 14 6 4 31 _ 6 11 _ 84 2.752 _ 663 423 _ 795 219 108 229 1.453 182 147 - - 10 175 231 _ 18 - _ - 10.759 1 160 - 3.901 _ _ 67 _ 27 37 - _ 186 - - 682 - - 1 1 1 O 1 - - 1 650 - - 1.164 _ _ 12.131 54 - 1.518 - 34 _ 236 _ 809 43 - 101 705 - 20 - _ 523 1.062 9 2 4.999 - 368 3.975 _ 1.121 8.085 713 2.260 5.079 - 931 12.381 341 15.568 7 - 35.250 1.754 - 8.659 2.351 - 5.025 2.461 45 1.300 13.103 - 5 256 - 34 221 75 27 613 - 1.352 4.175 2.750 611 5.218 151 9.317 206 - 4.344 1.083 210 265 - - _ 1 _ _ 35 _ _ - 47 _ 2.066 107.473 _ 5.537 26.208 1.615 1.401 362 - 774 1.509 - 1.515 3.051 39 1.943 3.023 1 781 1.415 - - 65.561 _ 85 _ - 71 635 - 1.641 8.894 20 3.665 _ - 8.457 499 1 988 205 - 1.973 56 - 5.606 11.629 — 25 2.543 _ 187 385 9 6.704 3.514 ._ 91 59 35 8.288 3.699 91 8.941 4.728 - 8.951 6.336 11.993 865 _ 136 85 440 241 40.571 9.930 . 7 4.538 7.180 - 834 27 198 8.548 16.006 326 22.555 2.055 4.656 10.951 17.183 4.188 51.059 18.325 351 20.381 7.061 3 37.546 3.629 - 12.340 999 257 72.759 25.767 1.425164.434 79.731 1.032102.758 47.492 1.634 82.337 194.251 29 14.222 2.380 48 4.720 581 330 1.410 378 2.433 34.122 7.707 568 8.838 157 186 25.185 10.777 662 29.336 13.526 - 190 228 - - 231 1.896 50 _ 2.985 10.505 316 106 1 - 101 35 _ 89 38 57 - - 5 409 - 1.109 - 5 244 1 - 2 - - 690 - - 17 25 - - 47 - 60 _ _ 43 1.227 _ 920 15 520 22 207 I 32.617 2 - 91 880 - 1.648 798 354 54.392 _ - 2.758 5 - 4 250 „ 2.469 826 77 11.498 515 - 94.916 87 - 5.215 - - 76 - - 154 _ 2 418 - 174 1.315 88 - 408 8 - 2.855 211 3 11.180 _ _ 00 _ 27 01 - 51 02 66 1.034 03 255 193.929 04 41.330 142.007 05 308 46.916 06 70.806 98.966 07 _ 148.151 08 55 27.998 09 7.657 41.912 11 86 75.385 12 _ 606 21 _ 358 22 _ 2.052 23 4.551 118.658 24 _ _ 25 _ 10.067 26 1.811 63.745 27 _ 25 28 481 15.828 29 _ 4.898 32 47.074 620.782 33 - 2.918 34 _ 749 41 104 14.431 42 _ 17.532 43 - 57.810 51 _ 1.597 52 - 29.983 53 821 78.878 54 54 50.482 55 _ 144.957 56 - 11.437 57 136 101.203 58 98 26.255 59 6 3.148 61 112 90.440 62 3.270 112.670 63 68 168.699 64 13.996 290.329 65 1.341 147.187 66 3.716 200.024 67 - 60.999 68 781 384.430 69 1.458 572.264 71 1.035 499.698 72 23 620.635 73 292 44.157 81 676 22.076 82 163 7.553 83 13.586 145.663 84 1.459 66.877 85 523 81.971 86 2.781 167.601 89 17 2.616 9 ^984455.538 46.888108.712 79.057 4.356 32.514 820.310 717.641 10.77811.764225.730 220.996 5.840.664


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