Economic statistics - 01.02.1995, Blaðsíða 2

Economic statistics - 01.02.1995, Blaðsíða 2
Government ln 1918 lceland became a sovereign state in union with Denmark, and full independence was declared in 1944. The legislative power of the country is vested in the Parliament, the Althing, which consists of 63 members and since 1991 sits in one chamber only. The Althing is chosen by popu- lar vote for a term of four years. Presently, five political parties are represented in the Althing. The present government is a coalition government consisting of the Independency Party and the Social Democratic Party. Prime Minister is Mr. Davíd Oddsson. The highest office in the state is that of the Presidency with similar powers as a constitutional monarch. The President is elected by popular vote for a term of four years. The fourth and the present President of the Republic of lceland is Mrs. Vigdfs Finnbogadóttir, first elected in 1980. The seat of the Government is in Reykjavík, the Capital. Election results in terms of representation in the Althing. 1979 1983 1987 1991 The Independency Party 22 23 18 26 The Progressive Party 17 14 13 13 The People's Alliance 11 10 8 9 The Social Democratic Party 10 6 10 10 The Citizens' Party - 7 - The Women's Alliance 3 6 5 Other 4 1 - Total members of Althing 60 60 63 63 Geography Thousands ofsquare kiiometers Geographic size...................................... 103.0 Thereof: Altitude 0-200 meters.............................. 24.7 Altitude 200-400 meters........................ 18.4 Altitude above 400 meters.......................... 59.9 Glaciers.............................................. 12.0 Lavafields............................................ 11.0 Lakes.................................................. 3.0 Cultivated area........................................ 1.1 Cultivatable area..................................... 20.0 The seabed out to 200 meter depth.................... 111.0 The seabed out to 400 meter depth................. 183.0 The fishing zone (200 miles)......................... 758.0 Shortest distance to: Greenland................................... 287 kilometers Faeroe Islands.............................. 420 kilometers Jan Mayen................................... 550 kilometers Scotland.................................... 798 kilometers Norway...................................... 970 kilometers Occupational distribution 1991 Agriculture................................. 5.4 per cent Fisheries and processing.............. 11.5 per cent Manufacturing......................... 12.5 per cent Construction................................ 9.8 per cent Commerce.............................. 14.6 per cent Communications........................ 6.9percent Services and other......................... 39.3 per cent 100.0 per cent Language The language in lceland is lcelandic, which belongs to the North Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. Education Education in lceland is compulsory up to the age of 16. There are two universities. One is located in Reykjavík and the other in Akureyri. Total enrollment is 5400 students. Membership in international organizations The United nations (1946), The Nordic Council (1952), IMF (1945), The World Bank(1945), IFC (1956), IDA (1961), GATT (1964), OECD (1949), EFTA (1970), Council of Europe (1950), NATO (1949). Currency The lcelandic currency is the króna. At the beginning of 1981 1 króna was roughly equivalent to 16 U.S. cents. (See further- more, the table on exchange rates on page 17). The Central Bank of lceland The responsibility of note issue in lceland is in the hands of the Central Bank (Sedlabanki íslands) which carries out all the traditional central banking functions, being the principal mone- tary authority in the country; the T reasury's and the banks' bank. The Central Bank was formally established in 1961, but before that the central banking functions were carried out within the National Bank, currently the largestcommercial bank in lceland. The Board of Directors is elected by the Althing for a term of four years. It's current chairman is Mr. Thröstur Ólafsson. The Governors of the Bank are appointed by the Minister of Commerce and Banking. Governors are: Mr. Birgir ísleifur Gunnarsson, Mr. Eiríkur Gudnason and Mr. Steingrímur Hermannsson. The Bank publishes a monthly bulletin of statistics, Hagtölur mánadarins, in lcelandic; a quarterly one, Economic Statistics, in English; an economicjournal, Fjármálatídindi, in lcelandicand an annual report in lcelandic and an abridged English version. All these publications can be obtained from the Economics Department of the Bank. The nation Population December 1st 1994.................... 266786 Thereof Reykjavík and neighb. localities......... 155899 Life expectancy, males................. 75.08 years Life expectancy, females............... 80.79 years Average annual population growth: 1980-1985................................ 1.10percent 1985-1990........................... 1.11 percent 1990 ............................... 0.87percent 1991 .......................... 1.51 percent 1992 .......................... 1.01 percent 1993 ............................... 1.04percent 1994 ............................... 0.70percent Banking There are four commercial banks in lceland, of which two are state-owned (Landsbanki and Búnadarbanki) and two are privately owned, [slandsbanki hf. and Sparisjódabanki íslands hf., which was formed in 1994. It is owned by the 30 savings banks in lceland and functions on their behalf. All krónur amounts in this bulletin are expressed in new krónur following the currency reform which became effective on January 1st, 1981 (see Economic Statistics, November 1980, p. 32, and February 1981, p. 2). Due to rounding, figures in individual tables may not add exactly up to the total.


Economic statistics

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