Economic statistics - 01.02.1995, Blaðsíða 7

Economic statistics - 01.02.1995, Blaðsíða 7
II. Money and Credit Table 1. Bank Liquidity Creation (Millions of krónur) 1994 Cash changes during period 1992 1993 1994 August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 Expansionary items in Central Bank accounts 47 3486 -1554 3830 -1086 -4383 -164 -200 11 Net foreign assets 2> 6321 24 -9528 2358 -189 -1097 -1536 -1886 Of which revaluation 1> 0 0 0 -61 -17 54 134 49 12 Net lending to Central Government3) -4043 4674 4756 2571 -1581 -3951 931 1139 13 Net lending to Investment Credit Funds -2654 -77 3623 -1177 495 580 475 524 14 Rediscounts, bonds and SDR quota 423 -1135 -405 78 189 85 -34 23 2 Contractionary items in Central Bank accounts -1138 803 5159 1719 62 -28 98 913 21 Notes and coin in circulation 354 313 791 -487 64 -268 56 755 22 Public depository funds -2661 -64 -221 -2 18 1 -9 -9 23 Required deposits of DMBs -1163 -2318 133 -117 168 -53 -4 296 24 Stabilisation bonds and time deposits 0 250 -250 - - - - 25 Other items, net 2332 2622 4706 2325 -188 292 55 -129 3 (-1-2) Bank liquidity 1185 2683 -6713 2112 -1149 -4354 -262 -1113 31 Liquid funds less advances from Central Bank 1851 245 -7037 1857 -1485 -4916 1270 -2045 32 Liquid foreign assets, net -666 2438 324 255 336 562 -1532 932 1) Bookkeeping adjustments for exchange rate changes. 2) Net foreign assets of the deposit money banks are included. 3) Treasury bills held by deposit money banks (DMBs) included. No. 1 Selected Monetary Aggregates Cumulative cash changes from the beginning of each year -*-Net liquidforeign assets - Central Bank claims on Treasury -^Liquid position ofDMBs 12 10 8 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -1° -12 1992 1993 1994 5


Economic statistics

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