Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2023, Blaðsíða 25

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2023, Blaðsíða 25
“Chamber music should be invit- ing, informal and accessible.” That is obvious to me as I take in the room and see a diversity of both audience and performing musicians I rarely get to witness. But confronted with Indian-Amer- ican pianist Pallavi Mahidhara chokes my desi heart second only to listening to her play. As if my soul weren’t full already, James, as talented with words as he is with the oboe, introduces an oboe-piano duet, “Summerland” by William Grant Still, considered the “Dean of Afro-American composers.” Avoiding the path of least resistance I must admit that, while I’ve heard and read many a lofty state- ment about music, this was one of the first times that I truly felt touched by it. I find myself going back to the why and I’m curious if inclusion is a conscious choice for Tertulia. James is candid about this, as we sit for a chat. “As someone responsible for musical program- ming, it can be incredibly quick to say, we have Beethoven, Bach, Schubert. You can’t argue with the fact that it is some of the finest music ever written.” He pauses. “But it is the path of least resis- tance. Because it's been trod very lightly. So for me as a musician, it is about exhibiting curiosity and saying, what’s beyond the canon?” As if to answer his own ques- tion, he continues, “Where has history and society led us over hundreds of years to actually ignore, unconsciously. So there we get to understanding that women composers are plentiful, same with African-American composers. It is about finding great music that is waiting to be found. That comes purely from curiosity.” This parallel with food, foster- ing a connection with your audi- ence, be it in a morsel or a piece of music, is perhaps why music and food have long been held as two sides of the same coin of human pleasure. While Tertulia events are dinner concerts, the food itself isn’t as central to the event as the location. Logistical challenges certainly dictate where events can take place. But the challenges turn into opportunities, as witnessed at the sardines-in-a-can morning at Mikki Refur, as Icelandic-American cellist Sæunn Þorsteinsdóttir enthrals the audience. Sæunn is one of the main instigators of Tertulia ending up in Reykjavík. “It’s basically an excuse to come and see family and also have a concert,” she jokes. “There are so many similari- ties between food and music,” she continues, more seriously. “Mostly it’s nourishment. Yes, we need food — but we need music also. We need art, we need inspiration, we need connection. Food too, has gone beyond sustenance to become about enjoyment. We’ve started to realise, especially in Covid, that creativity is a basic human need — we need to express and to be creative and to be inspired.” Sunday morning delivers on that promise of inspiration in spades, as guests pile into Ásmundarsalur for Reykjavík Roasters coffee and pastries. I’m not necessarily accustomed to being anywhere at 10 a.m. on a January morning, let alone alert enough to process complex classi- cal pieces. But the experience is at once meditative and illuminating — literally, as the curved ceiling windows of the exhibition space in Ásmundarsalur glow pink with the sunrise, and the musician’s notes intermingle with the bells of Hallgrímskirkja. Finally — vegetables! Finale night at La Primavera is a fitting end to the whirlwind days of musical festivities. Long family style tables, draped with crisp white table cloths are bookended by a piano quartet on one end and a bar glowing with Ragnar Kjartansson’s Scandinavian Pain on the other. Conversations are spirited, with many of the guests now fast friends. The food demon- strates the very best of Iceland — achingly fresh cod cooked to fork tender flakiness is accompanied by the very welcome addition of vegetables — a mound of light kale, glazed carrots and perfectly cooked chunks of celeriac. Our visiting companions admit that greens have been a glaring absence in many restaurants, something they confess surprised them here in Reykjavík. The incredibly generous portions are understandable, as the final act of the evening is a fiery rendition of the 40-minute long Brahms Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, and the last thing we’d want is to get a little peckish halfway through. It’s noticeable that the weekend finishes on this high note with a stage full of women — Pallavi on piano and Sæunn on cello are joined by Lily Francis (violin) and Þórunn Ósk Marinósdóttir (viola). So exuberant is the piece that the piano is visibly moved out of place as Pallavi ends the 40 minute act with a flourish. As the restaurant erupts in applause (finally, I know when to clap!), the staff swiftly place in front of us hulking slices of their signature Basque cheesecake. At once light and airy, whilst also filling and satisfying, its humble appearance belies its complex- ity and technical execution — a perfect reflection of the weekend as whole. H ve rfisgata 12 Happy hour / 4–7pm Beer / Wine / Cocktails RÖNTGEN I must admit that, while I’ve heard and read many a lofty statement about music, this was one of the first times that I truly felt touched by it. 25The Reykjavík Grapevine 2/23 Best before: March 2, 2023FOOD


Reykjavík Grapevine

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