Acta naturalia Islandica - 01.02.1946, Page 5
No. 1. Trausti Einarsson: Origin of the Basic Tuffs of Iceland. With
3 plates and 14 figures in the text.......................... 1—75
No. 2. Jóhannes Áskelsson: A Contribution to the Geology of Kerl-
ingarfjöll. A, preliminary report. With 8 figures in the text. 1—15
No. 3. Steindór Steindórsson: Contributions to the Plant-Geography
and Plora of Iceland. IV. The Vegetation of ísafjarðardjúp,
North-west Iceland. With 2 figures in the text............... 1—32
No. 4. Ingólfur Davíðsson: Notes on the Vegetation of Árskógsströnd,
North Iceland. With 1 figure in the text..................... 1—20
No. 5. Sigurður H. Pétursson: Die Herkunft der Milchsáurelangstáb-
chen des islándischen Speisequarks. Mit 1 Tafel.............. 1—8
No. 6. Óskar B. Bjarnason: The Component Acids of Icelandic Her-
ring Oil..................................................... 1—9
No. 7. Hermann Einarsson: The Post-larval Stages of Sand-eels (Am-
modytidae) in Paroe, Iceland and W-Greenland Waters. With
2 plates and 54 figures in the text.......................... 1—75
No. 8. H. Lister, R. Jarvis, M. McDonald, I. W. Paterson and R.
Walker: Sólheimajökull. Report of the Durham University Ice-
land Expedition 1948. With an Introduction by J. Eyþórsson.
With 2 plates and 6 figures in the text...................... 1—41
No. 9. Ray Dearnley: A Contribution to the Geology of Loðmundar-
fjörður. With 2 p'lates and 5 figures in the text............ 1—32
No. 10. Tómas Tryggvason: On the Stratigraphy of the Sog Valley in
SW Iceland. With 4 plates and 4 figures in the text.......... 1—35