Acta naturalia Islandica - 01.02.1946, Page 86

Acta naturalia Islandica - 01.02.1946, Page 86
EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. Fip;. 1. Slide 450, XV.1. Vein of worn g'rains, mostly of glass. Text p. 48. Fig. 2. Slide 443, XV.1. An example of older glass fragments within younger compact glass. Ljósavatnsskarð. Text p. 50. Fig. 3. Slide 369, XV.l. Originally compact glass now much altered. Fresh patches are still left. Hvalfjörður. Text p. 44. Fig. 4. Slide 198, XV.l. Flow of glass fragrnents froni the crater at Skriða. Text p. 56. Fig. 5. Slide 380, XV.l. Breccia of fresh sideromelan in Súlur. Text p. 43. Fig. 6. Slide 3V9, XV.1. Breccia in Súlur with marginaliy altered larger grains and completely altered smaller grains of sid- eromelan. Text p. 43,


Acta naturalia Islandica

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