The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Blaðsíða 10
but the final objective is obvious. Adolf
Hitler has made that quite clear.
“The religions are all alike, no matter
what they call themselves. . . . Fascism,
if it likes, may come to terms with the
Church. So shall I. Why not? That
will not prevent me from tearing up
Christianity root and branch, and an-
nihilating it in Germany. . . .
“A German Church, a German Chris-
tianity is distortion. One is either a
German or a Christian. You cannot be
Imperial Japan
Germany is not alone. It has con-
spired with Japan and taken Fascist
Italy in tow.
The Japanese are steeped in the same
false idea of superiority as the Germans.
In the systems both have evolved for
carrying out their invented sense of
Master Destiny, they vie with each
other in brutality and ruthlessness. The
final objective is (the same—world dom-
ination. So *far neither has announced
how both are going to be able to dom-
inate the world at the same time.
The Japanese mind has been infected
much longer than that of the Germans.
Bradford Smith says in Amerasia:
“The mind of Japan, unfortunately,
is far more dangerously infected be-
cause the disease has been eating into
the organism for several thousand
years. . . .
“Japan, long before the rise of Hitler,
had a Fascist system with roots bedded
deep in the native soil. Fanatic nation-
alism based upon a preposterous racial
myth, a military class exerting complete
control over government and people by
terrorism and intimidation, suppression
of all free thought and free inquiry, a
thorough spy system, and the exaltation
of the racial-state as an end in itself—
they are all there.”
Official Japanese documents confirm
this. One of these is the famous or
rather infamous Tanaka Memorial. On
July 25, 1927, Premier Baron G. Tanaka
presented a state paper to the Emperor
of Japan. This memorial was prepared,
as Tanaka says, upon instructions to
“lay plans for the colonization of the
Far East” and also to “watch for op-
portunities for further expansion.”
To indicate the far-reaching and
sweeping nature of the plan only one
paragraph need be quoted:
“Japan cannot remove the difficulties
in Eastern Asia unless she adopts a
policy of ‘Blood and Iron’. But in carry-
ing out this policy we have to face the
United States which has been turned
against us by China’s policy of fighting
poison with poison. In the future if we
want to control China, we must first
crush the United States just as in the
past we had to fight in the Russo-
Japanese war. But in order to conquer
China we must first conquer Manchuria
and Mongolia. In order to conquer the
world we must first conquer China. If
we succeed in conquering China, the
rest of the Asiatic countries and the
South Sea countries will fear us and
surrender to us. Then the world will
realize that Eastern Asia is ours and
will not dare to violate our rights. This
is the plan left (to us by Emperor Meiji,
the success of which is essential to our
national existence.”
A booklet was published in' Tokyo in
February, 1942, which is in many ways
the Mein Kampf of Japan. According
to it the Japanese are fighting a holy
war. Once more the Emperor is said
to be a direct descendant of the Sun
Goddess Amaterasa Omikami, and other
Japanese the descendants of lesser
Gods. Japan, it is claimed, is the
motherland of all mankind, and the
Japanese are divinely destined to bring
erring mankind within the Japanese
fold. In the booklet we find this appeal:
“The present Greater Asia is virtually
a second descent of the grandchild of
the Sun Goddess, the mythological
ancestor of the Japanese dynasty.
Wherefore, the holy war will sooner or