The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Qupperneq 3
The Icelandic Canadian
Vol. 5
Winnipeg, Man., Winter 1946
No. 2
Cf)ri£tma£ jflemorp
The snow lies deeply drifted
Against our humble home.
The stately pines in ermine cloaked,
Point to a stately dome
Studded with gold and siiver,
And glittering diamonds too;
A filigree of filmy lace
Trailing across the blue.
The many chores of day are done,
And mellow candle-light
Mingles with soft grey shadows
To charm away the night.
The curtains white, the polished boards,
Infused with life and soul;
While love is mirrored merrily
In shining plate and bowl.
Small, eager hands have decked the tree
With garlands and with gold, —
The gold of mystery and dreams
Which Christmas would unfold.
Then Father tiptoes to the tree
With presents, — just a few;
And Mother’s eyes like jewels shine,
Set round with sparkling dew.
A hush has fallen all around
On woods and plain and hill,
A breathless and expectant hush
While all the world is still.
A hymn is sung, a prayer breathed, —
The Hallowed hour is near/f
That tender childhood hour of faith, —
Christmas Eve is here!
* In Iceland and among the Icelandic pioneers in this country the
observance of Christmas began at six o’clock on Christmas Eve.